Arapi vs Izrael - vazdušni rat


Arapi vs Izrael - vazdušni rat

  • Pridružio: 15 Nov 2009
  • Poruke: 774

Ф-4 у нишану МиГ-21

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 02 Avg 2010
  • Poruke: 410
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

@Mr. Majevica
Ne želim da kažem da taj članak nije istinit, ali rusi su malo nepouzdani. Bila je jedna slika sa ruskim natpisom F-15-ice u nišanu navodno naše 29-ke na temi o F-15-ici... Ne znam koliko im se može verovati, isti su kao izraelci.

  • Pridružio: 30 Jun 2007
  • Poruke: 6289
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad, severoistočna Srbija

Објављен снимак напада израелских авиона на ирачки нуклеарни реактор, 1981. године.
Операција под кодним називом Опера.

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36097
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Uništeni migovi 17 na zemlji (Hi-Res fotosi)

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31428

Ruski veterani iz Egipta, posada S-125. 3. avgusta 1970. oborili 5 izraelskih aviona.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31428

Citat:This incident was not the first time the US Navy has found itself running behind the Israelis in air combat. Back in 1983, significant qualitative differences between the Israeli Air Force and US naval aviation became obvious when the US Navy botched a raid over Lebanon to suppress Syrian forces there. Aircrews from the USS John F. Kennedy were not properly briefed, launched with the wrong weapons, used outdated tactics, lost twenty percent of their aircraft, and in return, did very little damage to the Syrian positions. The Israelis, conversely, had enjoyed great success during hundreds of missions over the Bekaa Valley with negligible losses. Yes, the Israelis had far more experience flying over the region, and thus a major advantage, but even Secretary Lehman, himself a Naval Reserve aviator, granted that the Israelis were simply more organized, more creative, and had far better planning and tactics than the Americans did.

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Inexplicably, the attacking squadrons also massed their planes for the attack - a tactic that made them further vulnerable to ground fire and that had been discredited years before in the Vietnam War. Two planes were shot down, with the pilot of one of the aircraft, a single-seat A-7 attack plane, parachuting into the Mediterranean Sea, where he was rescued. The pilot of the other plane, a two-seat A-6, was killed, and his navigator, Lieut. Robert O. Goodman Jr., was captured. He stayed in a Syrian prison for a month, until the Rev. Jesse Jackson went to Damascus and obtained his release.

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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31428

Citat:The earliest report is mostly unknown to the public. Beginning in 1978, Iraqi sources claimed that an Iraqi air force MiG-23MS from No. 39 Squadron shot down an Israeli F-15 over western Iraq. Former Iraqi air force officers have repeated the claim over the years without ever offering any evidence.

The next supposed F-15 shoot-down, from the spring of 1981, is better-known. Several different versions of the story have circulated over the decades, nearly all of them in Russian media.

In the most frequently cited version, on Feb. 13, 1981, Israeli F-15s ambushed a pair of Syrian MiG-25Ps and shot one down. In revenge, so the story goes, the Syrians set up an ambush on June 29, 1981. The Syrian MiG-25Ps destroyed one F-15 using two R-40/AA-6 Acrid air-to-air missiles fired from the range of 25 miles.

There are problems with this story. Neither the Syrians nor the Russians have ever provided any evidence, such as radar tapes or wreckage. Another issue is that the Syrian air force never actually received any MiG-25Ps. Syria acquired several batches of Foxbats, including two of MiG-25PDS interceptors, but no MiG-25Ps.

While frequently described as a downgraded export variant of the Foxbat, the MiG-25PDS was actually much better-equipped than the early interceptor variant was. In addition to the powerful Smerch 2A radar of the MiG-25P, it had an infrared search-and-track system under the forward fuselage, radar warning receivers in blisters on the intakes and big chaff and flare dispensers in place of the wing fences.

Any source citing “Syrian MiG-25Ps” is of dubious quality.

Furthermore, the Foxbat the Israelis shot down in February 1981 was a MiG-25R – a reconnaissance variant – flying over Lebanon all by itself. This is of particular importance because, in contrast to the Russian claims, the Syrians claim that a MiG-25PDS flying alone shot down the F-15 in retaliation.

According to the Syrian version of the story, the MiG-25PDS mimicked a MiG-25R on a reconnaissance sortie by flying very high and fast in the direction of Beirut. When eight Israeli F-15s rose to intercept, the Syrian pilot fired two R-40s at their leader — one from around 37 miles, the other from slightly less than 31 miles, well outside the range of AIM-7F Sparrows, the longest-ranged air-to-air missiles in the Israeli arsenal in 1981.

According to the Syrians, the stricken F-15 crashed into the sea off the coast of Tire. The Israeli pilot supposedly ejected. Recalling the same encounter, the Israelis reported that their F-15s shot down on MiG-25 with a Sparrow missile.

In a well-known case from late afternoon of June 9, 1982, a Syrian MiG-21 pilot struck an F-15D with a single R-60/AA-8 Aphid missile. Despite severe damage, the pilot of the big U.S.-made fighter managed to fly it back to Israel for an emergency landing, and his aircraft was subsequently repaired.

There are a few more claims from this era worth considering. On July 3, 1982, eight Syrian MiG-21s clashed with four each Israeli F-15s and either Mirage IIICJs or Kfirs over Beirut. While admitting the loss of four own fighters, the Syrians claimed to have shot down an Eagle, too.

There is not one known Israeli publication mentioning this aerial battle, although this engagement was witnessed by dozens of people on the ground and widely reported by the Lebanese media.

Finally, several Russian publications have cited no fewer than three further claims against Israeli F-15s – all in 1983. Supposedly, Syrian MiG-23MLs shot down two F-15s on Oct. 4 and another on Dec. 4. The Russian sources provided no evidence in support of these claims, not even the names of the Syrian pilots who were involved.

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Drugi deo na temi o pustinjskoj oluji [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31428

Dovlacenje pomoci Izraelu nakon prvog dela sukoba 1973. Raspoloziva flota 268 C-141 i 77 C-5. 3 C-141 slecu na svaka 2 sata, 4 C-5A na svaka 4.

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  • Pridružio: 10 Sep 2014
  • Poruke: 1035
  • Gde živiš: Republika Srpska

Izrael je definitivno suvereno vladao u medijskom ratu, ali kad citam neke postove ovdje kao da je pokojni Sadat dosao da pise na forumu.

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36097
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Citat:On May 25, 1982, Capt Amos Mohar, a "Knight of the North" 110 Squadron pilot, shot down two Syrian MiG-21 fighters by AIM-9L "Lulav" AAM while flying F-16A s/n 240 (78-0340).

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