Irska nabavlja borbene avione i PVO sisteme

Irska nabavlja borbene avione i PVO sisteme

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99763

Prva prica oko toga pojavila se u februaru 2022 i objavljena je na temi EF2000...naravno krivci za to su rusi...irci bi hteli da nabave od 12 do 24 vazduhoplova...a kad ce to biti....pitanje je....
Irski politicari kukaju da im trebaju borbeni avioni...kazu da zbog celokupne situacije u svetu ne mogu da se oslanjaju na brite i amere da ih zastite.

Government urged to purchase fighter jets to protect Irish airspace
Citat:The Government has been urged to purchase up to 24 fighter jets as part of a multi-billion euro package to enable the country to counter terrorist hijackings and hostile incursions into our airspace.
Under this option, the authors of the report believe the naval service fleet should increase to 12 ships, to cover the exclusive economic zone. The navy currently has nine ships, but only five are operational and it is suffering from crippling manpower shortages.
The experts suggest the air corps should get between 12 and 24 jet fighters to protect Irish airspace. Ireland has no jets currently and Britain's royal air force has committed, under a secret deal with our Department of Defence, to police our skies in the event of a terrorist hijacking or incursion by foreign 'hostile' aircraft.
Recent Russian naval activity off our shores, allied to increased cyberattacks allegedly perpetrated by them, plus the growing global threat of the Chinese military, are spelt out in the report as some of the primary reasons we have to up our defence spending, as we can no longer rely on the US and British to protect us.


U medjuvremenu su im se javili (LM) ameri/koreanci,italijani i svedjani sa svojim nekim ponudama....nema mnogo informacija,ali eto izlaze

Citat:America's Lockheed Martin has put forward the F-16 Block 70 fighter for the role, or second hand F-16s or the South Korean supersonic trainer/light fighter FA-50.
Italy's Leonardo has offered the M-346 FA trainer/light fighter.

Minster for Foreign Affairs/Defence Simon Coveney is expected to respond to the Commission's report soon.
A first step would be acquiring military radar coverage for the country to see what is in our airspace.

In Stockholm Saab's Country Manager Ireland, Johan Linden, said no approach from Ireland had been made to Saab for the Gripen.
He added:"Should Ireland be interested in an affordable, highly capable fighter system to protect it's skies, the Gripen would be the perfect fit".
Saab is the third aerospace company to offer jets to police Irish airspace.

The offers came after a Commission on the Defence Forces said, in it's LOA3 recommendation, that 12-24 jets were needed to defend Ireland.

A 2012 study was claimed the Gripen had the lowest per flight hour operating cost of e4,700.
This compared at the time to the F-35 (26k an hour), Eurofighter (22k), Rafale (20k) and the F-16 (8,700).
The jet can carry a range of air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles/bombs.


Air Corps could buy second-hand fighters from other European air forces, jet manufacturer says

Top Gun-style F-16 fighter jets recommended for new Irish Air Force

If reports that the Irish government are planning to purchase combat aircraft are true, what options do they have available to them?

Ireland's military cannot properly defend country, says 'hard-hitting' and 'blunt' report
Citat:Under the most ambitious proposals, there would be a 300% increase in defence spending - bringing Ireland's defence budget from €1.1bn (£930m) to around €3bn (£2.53bn) - which would see the Naval Service fleet increase to 12 ships, and the Air Corps equipped with fighter jets.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99763

Opet kukaju,ali nista da preduzmu....
Ireland's air policing security failure and how the British system keeps their skies safe
Citat:The former Air Corps pilot said a key issue for Irish Air Defence is the lack of a so-called “recognised air picture”. This is information gathered across a primary radar system and satellite that builds up a detailed read out of every aircraft in the airspace – including those without transponders.

This was a key recommendation in the Commission on the Defence Forces report which looked at Ireland’s below standard defence apparatus.

“We have no visibility bar what we gather from the civilian surveillance radar system primarily based around aircraft transponders and satellite surveillance systems,” he said.
Phipps said that even if Ireland gets that radar system there will still be a need to ask “partner nations” to respond because the Irish military do not have the aircraft to carry out the role.
“In my opinion it’s clearly a Government policy decision not to invest in an air policing capability which is not a war fighting capability but rather enhances air safety given the volume of overflight traffic that is controlled in Irish Airspace.
“This would be the norm in other Neutral European countries like Austria and Switzerland,” he said.
‘Not a light switch capability’
Phipps said 2021 costings he has seen for such a fleet of aircraft, a squadron of between eight to ten fighter jets with the primary radar system, would be in the region of US$360 million, (€329.5m) with an annual running cost of US$20m (€18m).
“This capability investment is all consistent with the report of the commission on the defence forces.
“This is also not a light switch capability and will require many years to reach full operating capability. In the interim we will still need to cooperate with another partner to respond to any detected threat,” he added.
Sources have mooted that Irish Air Corps top brash would consider the most likely aircraft model for Ireland to be the Swedish Saab Grippen aircraft. They would cost an estimated €58m each but that comes with a manufacturer maintenance programme.


  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99763

Gledaju da nabave pvo i nove radare
Ireland strengthens defence posture with new radar and missile system
Citat:Ireland is poised to bolster its air defence capabilities significantly with the acquisition of a new anti-aircraft missile system and its first military radar system, marking a notable shift in the country’s defence policy. This move, as reported by the Irish Mirror, signals a departure from Ireland’s historically neutral stance with limited military capabilities towards a more proactive and assertive approach to national security.
Citat:The new air defence system, which includes both the primary radar and the anti-aircraft missile system, represents a substantial financial commitment, with an estimated total cost of around €300 million. The missile system alone is projected to cost between €50 million and €100 million. While the final choice of system is pending, potential candidates include an upgraded version of the existing Swedish-made Saab RBS-70 or the French-made VL-MICA.

The current frontrunner appears to be the RBS-23, an advanced version of the RBS-70. Sources suggest the RBS-23 is favoured due to its significantly greater range compared to the RBS-70 (20km versus 5km), reaching an altitude of 15km. The RBS-23 also boasts a modern Giraffe radar system and can engage a variety of targets, including aircraft, drones, and even cruise missiles. The estimated cost for the RBS-23 unit, encompassing radar and missiles, is approximately €100 million. While the French VL-MICA presents another viable option, it carries a higher price tag, estimated at €150 million. It’s worth noting that the Irish Defence Forces currently utilise the RBS-70, but its accompanying Giraffe radar has been inoperable for at least two years, further underscoring the need for an upgraded system.

This ambitious undertaking, officially termed the Military Radar – Recognised Air Picture Programme, aims to provide a comprehensive and reliable picture of Irish airspace through a network of:

-Land-based long-range primary radar
-Ground-based air defence system, including capabilities to counter unmanned aerial systems
-Maritime shipborne radar system


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