Tekst gde Korejci govore o putu razvoja svojih vazdusnih snaga. Deo gde spominju nesto sto je do sada poznato kao famozni plazma stelt. Verovatno...
Citat:It is a strategy that is driving requirements for foreign contractors to share "core technologies" in pending aircraft procurements, including for the KF-X III fighter contract, he said.
One barrier to realising South Korea's growth strategy is the need to master highly sensitive technologies, such as stealth aircraft design. However, the country's industry is focused on catching up quickly.
Shaping an airframe to redirect radar waves is no longer a closely-guarded secret, with the key rules available in published textbooks, said Taekyu Reu, of DAPA's Agency for Defence Development. However, properties of modern radar-absorbent materials that are easy to maintain remain secret, Reu added.
Using plasma technology to absorb radar signals is of special interest to the Korean industry, he said. Adding plasma generators to the country's Lockheed KF-16 fighters would significantly reduce the fourth-generation aircraft's radar signature, Reu added.
"We'll do the very best on our part," Reu said, "to secure this technology."
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Prica je data na primeru njihovih F-16. Hajde da su bar rekli da ce biti na buducem KFX. Ali modernizacija F-16 sa tim(inace njihovi trebaj uda dobiju AESA radare). Da li rade na necemu...
Nego znamo da je kao ruski T-50 kandidat na tenderu za zamenu F-4(iako su jedini ozbiljni Eurofighter, F-15 i F-35). Pobednik mora da dostavi i TOT a kaze Citat:"We'll do the very best on our part," Reu said, "to secure this technology." a znamo ko je cackao sa plazmom...
Mozda Korejci mou da pomognu... Ili prosto znaci da je od vaznosti da sami razviju nesto takvo.