Angola kupuje nosac aviona?


Angola kupuje nosac aviona?

  • Pridružio: 30 Avg 2009
  • Poruke: 333
  • Gde živiš: Bečkerek

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36049
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Svi se pitaju šta će im...
Da je prvi april, pretpostavio bih da se neko šali ali zaista je istina da angola ima ozbiljnu nameru da kupi rashodovani španski nosač.
Kažu da je angolska mornarica najmanja na svetu i da broji svega 1000 mornara - španski nosač ima kapacitet 800 mornara !?!
Dakle, kome treba posao, trkom u angolu, ugovor na tri godine i vratite se sa gomilom valute Wink

Citat:Why Does One of the World’s Smallest Navies Want One of the World’s Biggest Warships?
Angola’s bizarre, rumored aircraft carrier ambition

Angola is in the process of acquiring the recently-decommissioned Spanish aircraft carrier Principe de Asturias, according to one news report. The entire Angolan navy has just 1,000 sailors. The 643-foot-long Principe de Asturias needs 830 sailors to fully function.

No, this does not make a lot of sense. But it is consistent with Angola’s ongoing re-armament, which also includes a squadron of Russian-made heavy jet fighters formerly used by India.

Necessary or not, Angola is buying one of West Africa’s most powerful military arsenals.

Principe de Asturias commissioned in 1988 and for the next 25 years served as Spain’s flagship, carrying a squadron of Harrier jump jets and helicopters on peacekeeping patrols and training missions.

At just 16,700 tons displacement fully loaded, she’s among the smallest of the world’s aircraft carriers. Many of America’s flattops exceed 100,000 tons displacement. But Principe de Asturias still ranks among the world’s most powerful warships, thanks to her ability to launch jets and helicopters.

While not exactly old, this year Spain replaced the diminutive flattop with a new, jet-compatible amphibious assault ship. Principe de Asturias was to be dismantled this year, but sudden interest from Angolan officials reportedly put that plan on hold. According to Spanish news Website Digital El Confidential, an Angolan delegation visited Ferrol shipyard to inspect the laid-up carrier.

Spanish officials have declined to confirm Angola’s interest. “There are still countries interested in buying the aircraft carrier, but nothing firm,” a government rep said.

Spain will reportedly sell Principe de Asturias to Angola along with four decommissioned patrol ships. The Angolan navy currently possesses only a handful of Russian-made attack craft each weighing in at just a few hundred tons displacement. The Spanish acquisitions, if they are truly more than rumors, will expand the Angolan fleet by an order of magnitude and compel the navy to add thousands of new sailors.

Whether Angola can recruit and train the required personnel is far from certain. It’s equally unclear whether the West African state can afford to operate Principe de Asturias on more than a token basis. In 1997, Thailand commissioned a small flattop based on Principe de Asturias’ design but has found it nearly impossible to keep the carrier and her Harriers in front-line service.

Angola has not indicated that it is aiming to acquire second-hand Harriers or new naval helicopters to fly from Principe de Asturias.

In her final years in Spanish service, Principe de Asturias and her planes and copters reportedly cost as much as $100 million a year to operate. Huge and sparsely populated, Angola sits atop vast mineral wealth that accounts for much of the country’s income but is concentrated in the hands of elites.

The carrier is not Angola’s only high-profile military acquisition. The developing country is also getting 18 used Su-30 twin-engine fighters from Russia. Previously operated by the Indian air force, the Su-30s were returned to Russia when New Delhi upgraded its air arm. While lacking the latest avionics, the Su-30s are still among the world’s most powerful fighters, roughly equivalent to the U.S. F-15.

As with the Principe de Asturias, it’s far from certain that Angola can recruit pilots and afford to fly the Su-30s. West and Central African states have a strong tradition of paying mercenaries from Ukraine and other European states to pilot their warplanes.

Besides being wasteful in a country that’s still one of the world’s least developed, Angolan arms acquisitions actually pose a security threat … to Angolans. The main mission of the 100,000-strong armed forces—the army is the largest of the military branches—is to maintain internal security. Angola suffered a decades-long civil war that ended in 2002. Armed groups are still active in the countryside.

But it’s hard to say how exactly an aircraft carrier helps maintain internal security.

  • Mačak
  • Zavarivač
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 2595
  • Gde živiš: Čačak

Dosta naših radi u Angoli , pitam se pitam odkud odjednom ovo sa Angolom , odakle im tolike pare ....

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Нафта колико ми се чини је извор новца за Су30,па носач авиона,борбене авионе и остало.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102188

^^^^^^A vest je vec objavljena na ovoj temi jos juce


  • Pridružio: 29 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 5415

Po meni ako je istina, radi se o besmislenoj i promasenoj investiciji. Ne znam za druge ali ja NA vidim kao ofanzivno sredstvo, i sredstvo za projekciju sile daleko od kuce. Sta ce to Angoli? Kapiram da imaju velika prirodna bogastva, ali ne vidim kako ce im NA aviona pomoci u zastiti istih. Bolje da su te pare ulozili u dodatne PVO sisteme i avijaciju.

Pogotovo ovakav nosac aviona, koji ce da im sluzi kao nekakva pokretna morska platforma za helikoptere.

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Колега њима и треба офанзивно оружије,јер Ангола је ваљда већ једном слала своје снаге у борбу против неких терориста у трећу земљу у африци тако да њима треба носач хеликоптера још ако набави и модерне хеликоптере типа Ка 52 или Апач то ће им бити итекако корисно ако треба да се поново гањају по џунглама.

  • Pridružio: 29 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 5415

I protiv koga ce oni onda da koriste NA? Tj u ovom slucaju nosac helikopetera. Meni ovo deluje kao ono narodno: "Videla žaba da se konj potkiva pa i ona digla nogu". I za borbe protiv terorista ti ne treba nosac helikoptera.

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

Не могу се сложити са тобом да модерни хеликоптери нису од помоћи у сукобу са Сомалијским пиратима и Ал Шабаб,који не располажу са ПА системима,а који се крију по џунглама где их је тешко лоцирати.

  • Pridružio: 29 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 5415

Jel ti uopste citas sta ja pisem? Somalija je na drugu stranu Afrike, a helikoptere mozes da koristis i bez nosaca istih. Pogledaj zemlje cije mornarice imaju nosace aviona i helikoptera, pa pogledaj kako izgledaju te mornarice, a kako izgleda mornarica Angole. Nije to samo kupis nosac helikoptera i helikoptere, pa teraj. Angola nema nikakvu smislenu potrebu za nosacem helikoptera. Oce li taj nosac helikoptera mozda da uplovi u dzunglu?

Svoju obalu oni mogu sasvim dobro da kontrolisu i bez besmislenih i ogromnih ulaganja u nosace helikoptera. Koja ce normalna zemlja slati nosac helikoptera u borbu protiv pirata. Pogledaj koliko kosta drzanje operativnim jednog takvog broda, i procitaj gde se kaze da Tajland koji je mnogo bogatiji od Angole muku muci sa svojim nosacem helikoptera.

Da ne pricamo o tome da se radi o mornarici koja trenutno ima nesto camaca i patrolnih brodova. Znaci nema infrastrukturu, nema ljudstvo i nema brodove i logistiku koji bi trebali da prate jedan takav brod.

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