- Polemarchoi
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- Pridružio: 14 Dec 2010
- Poruke: 1368
Napisano: 14 Dec 2012 21:34
Kina grabi ka SAD na polju najveće ekonomske sile. Da bi obezbedila resurse i trgovačke puteve neophodna je snažna mornarica koja će kvantitetom, a izvesno i kvalitetom u narednih 20 godina stići USN. U toku 2012. godine Japan kao najveća mornarička sila regiona je izrazio zabrinutost zbog jačanja PLAN, a Obama i američka administracija istakli su da će oči nove američke strategije biti uperene ponajviše na Pacifik gde će biti povećano prisustvo američkih brodova.
Svedoci smo da se evropske, bivše kolonijalne sile na čelu sa Britanijom, Francuskom, Italijom i Španijom smanjuju ili se trude da zadrže u postojećim okvirima svoju snagu na moru. Slično je i sa Rusjom, SAD kao i ostatkom sveta. Jedini region u kome osetno jača mornarička komponentu vojske jeste azijski pacifik.
Moja je pretpostavka da su pored Irana, najveće šanse za sukob velikih razmera u ovom regionu. SAD i njeno najjače oružje u "projekciji sile" kako vole da kažu, USN imaće dva izbora. Da se pomiri sa kineskom prevlašću u regionu ili da kroz regionalne sukobe, a možda i direktan rat oslabi i uspori kineski napredak.
Prema prognozama ovaj region će u narednih 20 godina dobiti preko 730 novih brodova i podmornica što ga čini najvećim tržištem u ovom smislu u svetu.
Pošto postoji tema o PLAN, u ovoj temi voleo bih da pišemo pre svega o Japanskoj mornarici, ali i mornaricama Tajvana, Južne Koreje, Vjetnama, Indonezije, Filipina koje će svoje mornarice morati da prilagođavaju narastajućoj moći Kine.
Japanska mornarica
Japanska mornarica broji oko 45000 ljudi, a u svom sastavu trenutno ima 2 nosača helikoptera(koji bi kupovniom F35 postali nosači aviona) i 10 razarača(6 AEGIS) koji čine kičmu mornarice.
Hyuga nosač helikoptera
Zvanično ih Japanci označavaju kao razarače, budući da postoje zabrane na razne tipove ofanzivnog oružja od Drugog svetskog rata. Zanimljiva da iako imaju zabranu na izgradnju nosača aviona Japanci grade još veći "razarač" koji će biti po veličini sličan italijanskom nosaču aviona Cavour.
Length: 650 ft
Width: 108 ft
Beam: 108 ft
Displacement: 20,000 tons (full load)
Propulsion: 2 GE LM2500 COGAG, 2 shafts
Speed: 30+ knots
Crew: 350 (+ Air Wing)
Airwing: Up to 18 helo (vstol)
- 1 X 16 Cell Mk 41 VLS
- 2 X 2 20mm Phalanx CIWS
- 2 X Triple 324mm topedoe tubes
Elevators: 2
Ships in class: 2
JDS Hyūga
Atago razarač
Naslednik Kongo klase. Poseduje AEGIS sistem i 96 ćelija za smeštaj protivavionskih i protivpodmorničkih raketa. Zbog ograničenja Japanski AEGIS razarači, Atago i Kongo klase, nisu opremljeni krstarećim raketama tipa Tomahavk.
Designation: DDG
Length: 558 ft (170m)
Beam: 69 ft (21m)
Draft: 20 ft (6m)
Displace (Full Load): 10,000 tons
Propulsion: 4 GE LM2500, Gas Turbines; two shafts
Speed: 30+ knots
Range: 5,000 nautical miles (20 knots)
Crew: 340
Helicopter(s): 2 SH-60 Seahawk
- AN/SPY-1D Radar
- AN/SQQ-89 Sonar Suite - AN/SQQ-28v LAMPS III
- 64 cell Mk-41 VLS For SM-2, ASROC
- 32 cell Mk-41 VLS Aft SM-2, ASROC
- 8 SSM-1B ASM
- 2 X 20mm Phalanx CIWS
- 1 X 127mm MK-45 DP Gun
- 6 X Type 68 LW Torpedoes
Ships in class: 2
DDG-177 Atago
DDG-178 Ashigara
Kongo razarač
Stariji i manji brat Atago klase. AEGIS sistem i 90 ćelija za smetaj raketa.
Designation: DDG
Length: 528 ft (161m)
Beam: 69 ft (21m)
Draft: 20 ft (6m)
Displace (Full Load): 9,500 tons
Propulsion: 4 GE LM2500, Gas Turbines; two shafts
Speed: 30+ knots
Range: 4,500 nautical miles (20 knots)
Crew: 300
Helicopter(s): No Hangar
- AN/SPY-1D Radar
- AN/SQQ-89 Sonar Suite
- 61 cell Mk-41 VLS For SM-2, ASROC
- 29 cell Mk-41 VLS Aft SM-2, ASROC
- 8 Harpoon ASM
- 2 X 20mm Phalanx CIWS
- 1 X 127mm MK-45 DP Gun
- 6 X Type 68 LW Torpedoes
Ships in class: 4 DDG-173 Kongo
DDG-174 Kirishima
DDG-175 Myoko
DDG-176 Chokai
Pored pomenutih nosača helikoptera i AEGIS razarača koji su najmoćnija plovila u sastavu japanske mornarice nalazi se još nekoliko tipova razarača(Japan ne razlikuje fregate i razarače) i dvatri tipa klasičnih neatomskih podmorica.
Shirane razarač
Specijalnost ovih brodova jeste protivpodmornička borba. Imaju hangar za smeštaj čak tri protivpodmornička helikoptera.
Length: 159 meters
Beam: 17,5 meters
Draft: 5,3 meters
Displacement:5200 tons (standard) / 7500 tons (full load)
Speed: 31 knots, max. (57 km/h)
Crew:up to 360
Aviation:flight deck and hangar for up to 3 helicopters (SH-3 / SH-60)
Propulsion:2 geared steam turbines / 2 boilers (70000 shp) / 2 shafts / 2 propellers
2 x Mk-42 5-inch/54-caliber guns (127mm)
1 x Mk-16 launcher for 8 RUR-5 ASROC anti-submarine rockets
2 x Type 68 / HOS-301 (Mk-32) 12,75-inch (324mm) triple torpedo tubes for Mk-46 Torpedoes
1 x Mk-29 launcher for 8 RIM-7 Sea Sparrow missiles
2 x Mk-15 Phalanx Close-In-Weapon-System (CIWS)
Ships in classs: 2, JDS Shirane, JDS Kurama
Akizuki razarač
Novi japanski razarač, nastao kao dalji razvoj Takanami klase. Njegova uloga biće eskort sadašnjih i budućih nosača helikoptera i AEGIS razarača. Sistem koji poseduje ATECS važi za Japanski AEGIS. Po mom mišljenju mana broda je što isvega 32 VLS ćelije što je duplo manje od korejskog ekvivlenta. Poređenja radi ipak manja kineska 054A serija fregata ima takođe 32 VLS ćelije.
Displacement: 5,000 tons, fully loaded 6,800 tons.
Maximum speed: 30 knots
Electronics: OPS-20C search radar, OYQ-11 ACDS, FCS-3 AAW System, OQQ-22 ASW System, NOLQ-3D EW System
Armament: 1 Mk. 45 5″ gun, 4 x 2 sets of Type 90 anti-ship missiles, 32 vertical launch silos for missiles (Enhanced Sea Sparrow, ASROC), 2 triple tube HOS-303 324mm torpedo mount
Aviation complement: 2 SH-60 helicopters
Ships in class: 1, JMSDF Akizuki, 4 do 2014. godine
Takanami razarač
Displacement: 4,600ton
Length: 151m
Width: 17.4m
Depth: 10.9m
Draft: 5.3m
Main Engine: Gas turbine x4 (Kawasaki Rolls Royce Spey SM1C x2 / Ishikawajima Harima LM-2500 x2); COGAG, 2 shafts propulsion
Horsepower: 60,000ps
Maximum Speed : 30kt
Crew: 170
-OTO Melara 127mm 54cal rapid fire gun x1
-Phalanx 20mm Close-In Weapons System (CIWS) x2
-Missile LauncherVertical Launching System (VLS) Mk41
-Short-range SAM Sea Sparrow
-SSM-1B x2
-Type 68 Triple torpedo tubes x2
Fire Control
FCS-3 missile control x2
Air Search Radar: OPS-24
Sonar: OQS-5 bow, OQR-2 TASS towed
EW: NOLQ-3 intercept / jammer
SLQ-25 Nixie towed
Helicopter(s): SH-60J anti-submarine helicopter x1
Ships in class: 5, JDSTakanami, JDS Onami, JDS Makinami, JDS Sazanami, JDS Suzunami
Hatakaze razarač
Length: 150 meters
Beam:16,4 meters
Draft:4,8 meters
Displacement:4600 tons (standard) / 5600 tons (full load)
Speed: 30 knots, max. (56 km/h)
Crew: up to 260
Aviation:landing platform for 1 helicopter / no hangar
Propulsion:COGOG (combined gas or gas), high speed: 2 x Kawasaki/Rolls-Royce Olympus gas turbines, cruise: 2 x Kawasaki/Rolls-Royce Spey gas turbines, 72000 shp / 2 shafts, 2 controllable pitch propellers
-1 x Mk-13 single-arm missile launcher for RIM-66 Standard SM-1MR SAM (40 missiles)
-2 x Mk-42 5-inch/54-caliber guns (127mm)
-2 x Mk-141 missile launcher for 8 RGM-84 Harpoon SSM
-1 x Type-74 (Mk-16) launcher for 8 RUR-5 ASROC anti-submarine rockets
-2 x Type-68/HOS-301 (Mk-32) 12,75-inch (324mm) triple torpedo tubes for Mk-46 Torpedoes
-2 x Mk-15 Phalanx Close-In-Weapon-System (CIWS) (later added)
Ships in class: 2 JDS Hatakaze, JDS Shimakaze
Murasame razarač
Length:151 meters
Beam:17,4 meters
Draft:5,2 meters
Displacement:4550 tons,standard / 5100 tons (full load)
Speed: 30 knots, max. (56 km/h)
Crew:up to 165
Aviation:flight deck and hangar for 1 helicopter
-COGAG (combined gas-or-gas) 60000 shp
-2 x IHI/GE LM-2500 gas turbines
-2 x Kawasaki/Rolls-Royce Spey gas turbines
-2 shafts, 2 controllable pitch propellers
-1 x Oto-Melara 76mm/62-caliber super rapid gun (3-inches)
-1 x Mk-41 Vertical Launching System / VLS (16 cells / for up to 16 RUM-139 Vertical Launch ASROC)
-1 x Mk-48 Mod.0 Vertical Launching System / VLS (16 cells / for 16 RIM-7 Sea Sparrow or 32 RIM-162 ESSM SAM)
-2 x Mk-141 missile launcher for up to 8 SSM-1B (Type 90) anti-ship missiles (SSM)
-2 x Mk-15 Phalanx Close-In-Weapon-System (CIWS)
-2 x Type-68 (Mk-32) 12,75-inch (324mm) triple torpedo tubes for Mk-46 or Type 73 torpedoes
Ships in class: 9, JDS Murasame, JDS Harusame, JDS Yudachi, JDS Kirisame, JDS Inazuma, JDS Samidare, JDS Ikazuchi, JDS Akebono, JDS Ariake
Asagiri razarač
Length:137 meters
Beam:14,6 meters
Draft:4,5 meters
Displacement:3500 tons,standard / 4200 tons (full load)
Speed: 30 knots, max. (56 km/h)
Range: 8000 NM at 14 knots (26 km/h)
Crew:up to 220
Aviation:flight deck and hangar for 1 helicopter
-4 x Kawasaki/Rolls-Royce Spey gas turbines (54000 shp)
-2 shafts, 2 controllable pitch propellers
-1 x Oto-Melara 76mm/62-caliber gun (3-inches)
-2 x Mk-141 missile launcher for 8 RGM-84 Harpoon SSM
-1 x Mk-29 launcher for 8 RIM-7 Sea Sparrow SAM
-2 x Mk-15 Phalanx Close-In-Weapon-System (CIWS)
-1 x Mk-16 launcher for 8 RUR-5 ASROC anti-submarine rockets
-2 x Type 68 / HOS-302A (Mk-32) 12,75-inch (324mm) triple torpedo tubes
Ships in class: 8(2 služe za obuku), JDS Asagiri, JDS Yamagiri, JDS Yūgiri, JDS Amagiri, JDS Hamagiri, JDS Setogiri, JDS Sawagiri, JDS Umigiri
Hatsuyugi razarač
Length: 130 meters
Beam:13,6 meters
Draft:4,2 meters (4,4 meters DD 129 to DD 132)
Displacement:2950 tons,standard (3050 tons, standard DD 129 to DD 132) / 3800 tons (full load)
Speed: 30 knots, max. (56 km/h)
Crew:up to 200
Aviation:flight deck and hangar for 1 helicopter (S-61 Sea King / SH-60J Seahawk)
Propulsion:-COGOG (combined gas or gas)
-high speed: 2 x Kawasaki/Rolls-Royce Olympus TM-3B gas turbines (45000 shp)
-cruise: 2 x Kawasaki/Rolls-Royce Tyne RM-1C gas turbines (9900 shp)
-2 shafts, 2 controllable pitch propellers
-1 x Oto-Melara 76mm/62-caliber gun (3-inches)
-2 x Mk-141 missile launcher for 8 RGM-84 Harpoon SSM
-1 x Mk-29 launcher for 8 RIM-7 Sea Sparrow SAM
-2 x Mk-15 Phalanx Close-In-Weapon-System (CIWS)
-1 x Mk-16 launcher for 8 RUR-5 ASROC anti-submarine rockets
-2 x HOS-301 (Mk-32) 12,75-inch (324mm) triple torpedo tubes
Ships in class: 11(tri služe za obuku)
Abukuma fregata
Length:109 meters
Beam:13,4 meters
Draft:3,8 meters
Displacement:2000 tons (standard) / 2550 tons (full load)
Speed:27 knots, max. (50 km/h)
Propulsion:-CODOG (combined diesel or gas)
-2 x Kawasaki-Rolls-Royce SM1A gas turbines (26650 shp)
-2 x Mitsubishi S12U-MTK diesels (6000 hp)
-2 shafts, 2 controllable pitch propellers
-1 x Oto-Melara 76mm/62-caliber super rapid gun (3-inches)
-2 x Mk-141 missile launcher for up to 8 RGM-84 Harpoon SSM
-1 x Type 74 (Mk-16) launcher for 8 RUR-5 ASROC anti-submarine rockets
-2 x Type-68 (Mk-32) 12,75-inch (324mm) triple torpedo tubes for Mk-46 or Type 73 torpedoes
-1 x Mk-15 Phalanx CIWS
Ships in class: 6
Podmornička flota
Japan ima tri tipa klasičnih podmornica, na dizel-elektirični pogon.
Harushio podmornica
Najstarije u sastavu JMSDF, pred povlačenjem iz upotrebe, preostala plovila koriste se za obuku i trening.
Length: 77 meters
Beam:10 meters
Draft:7,7 meters
Displacement:2450 tons (surfaced) / 2750 tons (submerged)
Speed:12 knots (22 km/h) surfaced / 20 knots (37 km/h) submerged
Crew:up to 75
Operational depth:300m
2 x Kawasaki 12V25/25S diesel engines (3400 bhp surfaced)
1 x main electric-motor (7200 shp submerged)
1 shaft / 1 propeller (5 blades)
-6 x 21-inch (533mm) torpedo tubes for Type 80 or Type 89 torpedoes or sub-launched UGM-84 Harpoon SSM
Oyashio podmornica
Okosnica japanskih podmornilčkih snaga. Preteča nove Soryu klase koja se uvodi u naoružanje. Moguća modernizacija sa švedskim AIP sistemom.
Length: 81,7 meters
Beam:8,9 meters
Depth / Draft: 10,3 meters / 7,4 meters
Displacement:2750 tons (surfaced) / 4000 tons (submerged)
Speed: 12 knots (22 km/h) surfaced / 20 knots (37 km/h) submerged
Operational depth:
-2 x Kawasaki 12V25/25S diesel engines (3400 bhp surfaced)
-2 x Kawasaki alternators
-2 x main electric-motors (7700 shp submerged)
-1 shaft / 1 propeller
-6 x HU-605 21-inch (533mm) torpedo tubes for 20 Type 89 torpedoes or sub-launched UGM-84 Harpoon SSM
Ships in class: 11
Soryu podmornica
Najveća i najnovija generacija japanskih podmornica. Dalji razvoj prethodne klase. Koristi AIP sistem koji je Japan kupio od Švedske što joj omogućava da duže vreme podvede pod vodom bez potrebe da izranja. Svakako će biti jedna od najopasnijih klasičnih podmornica na svetu.
Length:84 meters
Beam:9,1 meters
Depth / Draft:10,3 meters / 8,5 meters
Displacement:2900 tons (surfaced) / 4200 tons (submerged)
Speed:13 knots (24 km/h) surfaced / 20 knots (37 km/h) submerged
Range:6100 NM (11300 km) at 6.5 knots (12 km/h)
Operational depth:900 feet (275 meters) test depth
-2 x Kawasaki 12V25/25SB diesel engines
-4 x Kawasaki-Kockums V4-275R Stirling AIP engines
-2 x main electric-motors
-3900 bhp surfaced / 8000 shp submerged
-1 shaft / 1 propeller
-6 x HU-606 21-inch (533mm) torpedo tubes for 30 Type 89 torpedoes or sub-launched UGM-84 Harpoon SSM
Ships in class: 4, planira se 9