Programa TeRRa-3


Programa TeRRa-3

  • Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3568
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

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Исклучително четиво топло го препорачувам

Телескоп ТГ-1 лазерного локатора ЛЭ-1, полигон Сары-Шаган (Зарубин П.В., Польских С.В. Из истории создания высокоэнергетических лазеров и лазерных систем в СССР. Презентация. 2011 г.).

В левой части спутникового снимка от 29.04.2004 г. здание комплекса 5Н26 с локатором ЛЭ-1, слева внизу РЛС "Аргунь". 38-я площадка полигона Сары-Шаган (

Телескоп ТГ-1 лазерного локатора ЛЭ-1, полигон Сары-Шаган (Зарубин П.В., Польских С.В. Из истории создания высокоэнергетических лазеров и лазерных систем в СССР. Презентация. 2011 г.).


ТТХ ВФДЛ: ФО-32 ФО-21 Ф-1200
Длина 20 м 20 м около 20 м
Диаметр лазера 500 мм 1300 мм не менее 1300 мм
Энергия импульса 60 кДж 400 кДж 1 мДж
Продолжительность импульса 0.00003 сек 0.00012 сек
Рассеивание 0.0001 рад 0.0002-0.0003 рад

Первоначальный проект комплекса "Терра-3" 1969 г., окончательный проект 1974 г. и объем реализованных компонентов комплекса. (Зарубин П.В., Польских С.В. Из истории создания высокоэнергетических лазеров и лазерных систем в СССР. Презентация. 2011 г.).

Система наведения комплекса "Терра-3" с лазерным локатором (Зарубин П.В., Польских С.В. Из истории создания высокоэнергетических лазеров и лазерных систем в СССР. Презентация. 2011 г.).

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Статус: СССР
- 1964 г. - Н.Г.Басовым и О.Н.Крохиным сформулирована идея поражения ГС БР лазером.

- 1965 г. осень - письмо в ЦК КПСС о необходимости экспериментального изучения лазерной ПРО.

- 1966 г. - начало работ по программе "Терра-3".

- 1984 г. 10 октября - лазерный локатор 5Н26 / ЛЭ-1 провел измерения параметров цели - космического корабля многоразового использования "Челленджер" (США). Осенью 1983 г. Маршал Советского Союза Д.Ф.Устинов предложил командующему Войсками ПРО и ПКО Ю.Вотинцеву применить лазерный комплекс для сопровождения "шаттла". В то время на комплексе бригада из 300 специалистов выполняла доработки. Об этом и было доложено Ю.Вотинцевым министру обороны. 10 октября 1984 года во время 13-го полета шаттла "Челленджер" (США), когда его витки на орбите проходили в районе полигона Сары-Шаган, эксперимент состоялся при работе лазерной установки в режиме обнаружения с минимальной мощностью излучения. Высота орбиты корабля в тот раз составляла 365 км, наклонная дальность обнаружения и сопровождения - 400-800 км. Точное целеуказание лазерной установке было выдано радиолокационным измерительным комплексом "Аргунь".
Как сообщил потом экипаж "Челленджера", при полете над районом Балхаша на корабле внезапно отключилась связь, возникли сбои в работе аппаратуры, да и сами астронавты почувствовали недомогание. Американцы стали разбираться. Вскоре поняли, что экипаж подвергся какому-то искусственному воздействию со стороны СССР, и заявили официальный протест. Исходя из гуманных соображений, в дальнейшем лазерная установка, да и часть радиотехнических комплексов полигона, имеющих высокий энергетический потенциал, для сопровождения "Шаттлов" не применялись. В августе 1989 года часть лазерной установки, предназначенной для наведения лазера на объект, была показана американской делегации.

Зарубин П.В. Академик Басов, мощные лазеры и проблема противоракетной обороны. // "Квантовая электроника" №12 / 2002 г.
Зарубин П.В., Польских С.В. Из истории создания высокоэнергетических лазеров и лазерных систем в СССР. Презентация. 2011 г.
Польских С.Д., Гончарова Г.В. ГНЦ РФ ФГУП НПО "Астрофизика". Презентация. 2009 г.
Проект "Терра-3". Сайт [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] 2011 г.
Wikimapia. Сайт [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] 2010 г.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208


Sta je to sad? Uvod u temu o sovjetskom/ruskom laserskom oruzju ? Very Happy

  • Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3568
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

Налетео сам на ову тему на милитари.томск.ру па мало смо причали на авијација.мк
па кажем што не би и овде са вама пријатењи.
Мислим да је занимњива.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208


Pa dobro ,nije losa ideja . Very Happy

Srodne teme

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Zanimljiv text iz 80-tih

Citat:SOVIET lasers said by some military experts in the US to be capable of shooting down missiles or 'blinding' satellites are too weak even to track a satellite. This is the conclusion of a team of American scientists which recently visited a centre for missile tests at Sary Shagan in Kazakhstan and found two lasers.

The more powerful of the two, with carbon dioxide as its light source, could produce about 20 kilowatts of power. Only a kilowatt or two of that power reaches the beam director. The other unit was an assembly of 19 ruby lasers with combined average power only 100 watts.

Since 1985, Soviet Military Power, a document published annually by the Department of Defense of the US, has claimed that Sary Shagan has a laser 'probably capable of damaging some components in satellites in orbit, (and) one . . . could be used in feasibility testing ...

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  • Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3568
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

Napisano: 02 Jan 2012 17:56

Намена им је иста стиме што мој фаворит не лети..
Занима ме шта ли се ради сада.

Ово су задње информације

Программа Терра-3 / комплекс 5Н76

Автор: DIMMI
Создана: 30.12.2011 01:31:54
Изменена: 02.01.2012 10:43:13
Комментариев: 0
Категории: ЗЕМЛЯ / Противоракетные системы / Программа Терра-3 / комплекс 5Н76 /
ДАННЫЕ НА 2012 г. (в работе)
Программа Т-3 / "Терра-3"
Комплекс 5Н26 / ЛЭ-1
Комплекс 5Н76

Dopuna: 02 Jan 2012 17:59

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А ово су творци програме

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

Sta Wiki pise ...

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Probni poligon Sari Shagan ( Kazahstan )

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  • Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3568
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

Џејн дифенс

Стивен Залога

May 1, 1997

SECTION: EUROPE; Vol. 9; No. 5; Pg. 205

LENGTH: 2629 words


BYLINE: Steven J Zaloga

As far back as the late 1960s, scientists in the USSR had beensecretly theorising about the possibilities of space-based weaponry.In the early 1980s, however, spurred by US President Ronald Reagan'sannouncement of the Strategic Defense Initiative and a firmconviction that the US space shuttle programme was geared towardmilitary ends, Soviet efforts in this area took on a new importance.Steven J Zaloga tracks the Soviet side of 'Star Wars'.


Throughout most of the 1980s, the Soviet Union's political leadership spent a considerable amount of time denouncing the US Strategic Defense Initiative, popularly called 'Star Wars' after the George Lucas film released in 1977. This Soviet propaganda campaign was partly intended to hide the USSR's substantial effort to develop its own space-based weapon systems.

Recent Russian revelations provide some intriguing details on those efforts and what was one of the Soviet Union's most secret defence programmes. This short article cannot provide a comprehensive description of all Soviet work in this area, but it is intended instead to highlight some of the major projects that have until now been kept secret. There was also a key difference in the Soviet approach to space-based weaponry, for while the US Star Wars programme was primarily oriented towards defending against ballistic missile attack, the Soviet programme went further - towards destroying enemy satellites.

Soviet space strike weapons

The possible applications of new weapon technologies for revolutionary roles were of considerable interest in the Soviet scientific and defence community in the late 1960s. The initiative in this area came mainly from the Ministry for Radio Industry (Minradioprom), which had managed the development of the Soviet anti-ballistic missile (ABM) programme since the late 1950s. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, a series of discussions were held among representatives of the Academy of Science, the military scientific-research institutes (NIIs), industrial design bureaux (OKBs), and the Soviet General Staff on the issue of space weapons. The consensus that emerged was that a programme should be undertaken in two phases, codenamed Fon-1 (Background-1) and Fon-2. Fon-1 represented advanced concept and technology development including directed energy weapons, electro-magnetic rail guns, novel warhead technologies, new ABM missiles and space platforms for applications of these weapons. Fon-2 was intended to facilitate the transition of these technologies into the engineering-manufacturing development phase in order to field actual systems. The Fon-1 programme formally began around 1976, although work was already underway on basic research of many of the novel directed-energy technologies.

This programme was not unanimously supported, and it was vigorously opposed by some segments of the defence and industrial communities which viewed it as a waste of funding that would be better directed to more conventional types of weaponry. Among its opponents was Grigori Kisunko, the general designer of the initial Moscow ABM system. In 1976, a research effort connected with Fon-1 was initiated at OKB Kometa, the design bureau headed by A I Savin, which had developed the first Soviet anti-satellite (ASAT) system in the 1960s. OKB Kometa was given the task of proposing a system that could destroy 10,000 re-entry vehicles and cruise missiles in 5 to 25 minutes with a probability of destruction of 99.8 per cent. Kometa concluded that such a system was not practical for both technological and economic reasons. Nevertheless, Fon-1 continued to be funded, with much of the effort being devoted to ASAT missions rather than ballistic missile defence (BMD).

The rapid expansion of development work on space- based weapons reached such a point in the 1970s that the Ministry of Defence Production (MOP) was obliged to set up a new 8th Main Directorate specifically to manage these programmes and co-ordinate the various research institutes. On the industrial side, the programme was headed by Petr S Pleshakov of Minradioprom and overseen by a committee of the Military Industrial Commission (VPK) headed by Leonid V Smirnov.

In spite of the lack of satisfactory progress on many of these exotic technologies, the programme took on new importance in the early 1980s when US President Ronald Reagan announced the initiation of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). The combination of the SDI programme and associated concerns over the militarisation of space (related to the development of the US Space Shuttle) convinced some elements in the Soviet General Staff that the USA was aiming to deploy a comprehensive array of 'space strike systems' capable not only of defending against incoming missile re-entry vehicles, the ostensible goal of SDI, but also of attacking Soviet objectives on land, air and sea. The Soviet Ministry of Defence was convinced that the Space Shuttle's primary orientation was for military rather than scientific missions.

As a result, in 1983 Yuriy Andropov ordered the transition of the Fon programme to the next phase, Fon-2, and considerably increased the funding as a result. The aim of Fon-2 was broadened somewhat from its original intent to include space-based strike systems and technologies to counter the US SDI effort. In parallel to this acceleration of the space strike programme, in August 1983 Andropov initiated a diplomatic initiative to reach an agreement with the USA to ban tests and deployment of any type of space-based weapons. The Soviet Union also announced a unilateral moratorium on orbiting any type of anti-satellite interceptor, even though efforts under Fon-2 were funding precisely such programmes.

Directed energy weapon development

A principal centre for work on Soviet laser weapons was the Luch Central Design Bureau (TsKB Luch) headed by Nikolai Ustinov, the son of the defence minister Dmitri Ustinov. During the 1970s, the Luch Design Bureau was reorganised into the NPO Astrofizika, which included other firms in this field including the Granat High Energy Laser Special Design Bureau. Nikolai Ustinov had originally been a designer in the KB-1 organisation (now NPO Almaz) specialising in anti-ballistic missile systems. After his father's death in 1984, he was ousted from control and replaced by Boris Chemodanov. NPO Astrofizika was responsible both for strategic laser weapons as well as tactical laser weapons mounted on aircraft, armoured vehicles and ships. NPO Astrofizika controlled a very large portion of the total Soviet budget for directed energy weapons, amounting to about 4 billion roubles from 1969-1989. To put this in some perspective, the official 1988 Soviet defence budget was 20 billion roubles, so Astrofizika's annual funding alone amounted to about 1 per cent of the public Soviet defence budget. Astrofizika constructed a free-electron laser prototype at Storozhevaya, a 1 MW gas laser at Troitsk near Moscow and collaborated on a major laser complex at the Sary-Shagan PVO Air Defence proving ground in Kazakstan. Most of these systems examined the possible anti-satellite role for directed energy weapons.

Besides NPO Astrofizika, the other major centre for the development of directed energy weapons was OKB Vympel (later TsNPO Vympel). OKB Vympel had originally been part of KB-1 until the early 1960s and was the Soviet Union's primary research centre for anti-ballistic missile research. It should not be confused with the air-to-air missile design bureau with the similar name. Vympel was primarily involved in ground-based laser weapons and in attempts to develop a UHF directed-energy weapon. In 1969, it began work on the Terra-3 programme, aimed at examining the weapon potential of high-energy lasers against ballistic missile re-entry vehicles. An experimental laser system was erected by TsNPO Vympel at the Sary-Shagan PVO Air Defence proving ground beginning in the early 1970s. Defence Minister Andrey Grechko first visited the site in 1973.

The Sary Shagan Terra-3 testbed included a high- energy ruby laser and a high-energy CO2 laser. Vympel was primarily responsible for the overall concept and design of Terra-3, but the lasers were developed by Astrofizika. One of Terra-3's first operational uses was conducted in 1984 at the insistence of Defence Minister Dmitri Ustinov, who was concerned that the US space shuttle was being used as a reconnaissance platform. On 10 October 1984, on the 13th Challenger mission, the US space shuttle was tracked by the Terra-3 laser at low power while being directed by the 5N24 Argun phased-array radar at the Sary Shagan PVO site. This caused malfunctions on the space shuttle and distress to the crew, leading to a formal US diplomatic protest. In 1989, US scientists were allowed to inspect one of the associated laser sensors of the Terra-3 complex that was used to aim the main beams. Although the complex provided the Soviet programme with considerable detail about laser interaction with typical ICBMs and re-entry vehicles, Terra-3 did not prove practical as a weapon.

Astrofizika and Vympel were supported by a wide range of smaller research institutes, such as the Scientific Research Institute for Thermal Processes (NIITP), which was developing high energy gas dynamic lasers for space-based applications, and the Scientific Research Institute for Radio Device Production (NII-Radiopriborostroeniya), which was developing plasma weapons. Much of the advanced research work was carried out by scientific institutions, including the Academy of Science's Physics Institute, the All-Union Scientific Institute for Power Engineering and Physics (VNIIEF) and the State Institute for Optics (GOI).

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

Napisano: 03 Jan 2012 21:38

Citat:Military Space Systems. Soviet space systems dedicated to military missions include satellites that perform reconnaissance, missile-launch detection and attack warning, command and control, and ASAT operations. Dual-purpose satellites that perform some civilian functions are used for communications, navigational support, and weather prediction and monitoring. The US has no counterpart to Soviet ocean reconnaissance satellites, the Electronic Intelligence Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite (EORSAT), or the nuclear-powered Radar Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite (RORSAT). Their mission is to detect, locate, and target US and Allied naval forces for destruction by antiship weapons launched from Soviet platforms. These systems track naval and merchant shipping. Four such satellites were launched in 1984, two of which were of the same type (RORSAT) that crashed in 1978, one spreading radioactive debris across northern Canada.

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Dopuna: 03 Jan 2012 23:09

Jod jedan izvor podataka o ovom programu ( slican predhodnom )

Citat:Directed Energy Systems

40. The Soviet Union has had a large, military-sponsored, high-energy laser weapon program since the l960s. One of the primary motivations for this effort is probably the development of ballistic missile defense weapons. Our best evidence in this area concerns a major program to develop the technology necessary for a ground-based laser weapon for terminal ballistic missile defense. Soviet research also has included a project to develop a space-based laser weapon, probably for ASAT applications initially, but we believe that the more difficult BMD mission is also of interest to them. The result of these longstanding and well-funded programs is that the Soviets are now on a par with, or lead, the United States in most of the directed energy weapons technologies.

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O pomenutoj poseti americke delegacije kompleksu Sari Sagan 1989g

Americans Tour Soviet Military Laser Complex

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Dopuna: 03 Jan 2012 23:38

Zanimljiv text o visoko energetskim laserima

Citat:the Soviets have built high energy laser devices up to the 10 megawatt level and generally place more emphasis on weapon application of lasers than does the West. in doing so, the Soviets have concentrated on gas dynamic and electric discharge lasers. They have not attained a high power output for chemical lasers as the West.

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Citat:Soviet view of SDI

SDI was high on Gorbachev's agenda at the Geneva Summit, November 1985
The Soviet response to the SDI during the period March 1983 through November 1985 provided indications of their view of the program both as a threat and as an opportunity to weaken NATO. The SDI was seen not only as a threat to the physical security of the Soviet Union but as part of an effort by the United States to seize the strategic initiative by neutralizing the military component of Soviet strategy. A major objective of that strategy was the political separation of Western Europe from the United States which the Soviets sought to facilitate by aggravating allied concern over the SDI's potential implications for European security and economic interests. The Soviet predisposition to see deception behind the SDI was reinforced by their assessment of US intentions and capabilities and the utility of military deception in furthering the achievement of political goals

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  • Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3568
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

Шта речи свака част Рејбане.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

Napisano: 04 Jan 2012 0:05



`Ratovi zvezda` na sovjetski nacin Smile

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Dopuna: 04 Jan 2012 9:06

Video materijal o sovjetskom ` vojnom laserskom programu` .

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Americki konkurentski program SDI

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