Poslao: 07 Jan 2010 18:16
- Danko SVIK VRS

- Mod u pemziji
- Pridružio: 19 Maj 2009
- Poruke: 4980
- Gde živiš: Beograd - Srbija; Novi Grad - Republika Srpska
Budući, da puške AK-47/AKM i M-16/AR-15 imaju svoje zasebne teme, smatram da i ova puška zaslužuje da se posebno obradi - ipak, na osnovu nje nastala je južnoafrička puška R-4 i naša M-21 (korišćen je dizajn puške GALIL, bolje rečeno R-4).
Pa da počnem:
Nakon što se sovjetska puška AKM pokazala veoma dobrom u junskom ratu 1967. godine, izraelska armija je tražila pušku razvijenu na principu na kojem radi i AKM.
Izraelska automatska puška 5,56 mm GALIL razvijena je za metak sa zrnom M-193. Razvoj je otpočeo 1972. godine, a uvedena je u naoružanje 1978. godine. Radi na principu pozajmice barutnih gasova. Konstruisana je na poznatom sovjetskom principu Kalašnjikov.
Urađena je u dve varijante - standardna ARM (negde je oznaka AR) sa fiksnim i preklapajućim kundakom i varijanta sa skraćenom cevi i preklapajućim kundakom - SAR, za naoružanje specijalnih jedinica.
Puška oznake ARM ima nožice, tako da može da se koristi i kao puškomitraljez. Nožice se skidaju. Jednostavna konstrukcija omogućuje lako rukovanje i održavanje (rastavlja se samo na šest sklopova - delova).
Ubraja se među najuspelije oružje koje koristi metak 5,56 mm.
Cena puške GALIL iznosila je 1989. godine 780 USD.
Taktičko-tehnički podaci za pušku 5,56 mm GALIL ARM
Kalibar: 5,56x45 mm.
Dužina: - sa ispruženim kundakom 979 mm
- sa preklopljenim kundakom 742 mm.
Dužina cevi: 460 mm.
Korak uvijanja žlebova cevi: 305 mm.
Dužina osnovice nišana: 475 mm.
Masa bez okvira i nožica: 4,35 kg.
Masa okvira: - sa 35 metaka: 0,39 kg
- sa 50 metaka: 0,44 kg.
Kapacitet okvira: 35 i 50 metaka.
Početna brzina zrna: 950 m/s.
Teoretska brzina gađanja: 650 metaka/min.
Efikasan domet: 400 m.
Tip metka: metak 5,56 mm sa zrnom M-193.
Dopuna: 07 Jan 2010 18:12
Dopuna: 07 Jan 2010 18:16
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Da ubacim i ovaj članak za upoređivanje.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 07 Jan 2010 18:19
- Pridružio: 04 Jan 2010
- Poruke: 108
Dobro zamišljeno ali preteška za kaliba 5,56.
Masa oružja 4,35+okvir 0,4=4,75 kg+bipod preko 5 kg za oružje u kalibru 5,56. A jedan od razloga za uvođenje tog kalibra je smanjenje mase oružja i streljiva.
Za usporedbu:
FN FNC-3,9 kg
M16A2- 3,5 kg
M 4 -2,7 kg
FAMAS-3,8 kg
Kalibar 7,62x51
FN FAL-4-4-5 kg
H&K G2-4,4 kg
M 14 -5,2 kg
Poslao: 07 Jan 2010 18:35
- kljift
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7256
CZ 75 ::Dobro zamišljeno ali preteška za kaliba 5,56.
Masa oružja 4,35+okvir 0,4=4,75 kg+bipod preko 5 kg za oružje u kalibru 5,56. A jedan od razloga za uvođenje tog kalibra je smanjenje mase oružja i streljiva.
Za usporedbu:
FN FNC-3,9 kg
M16A2- 3,5 kg
M 4 -2,7 kg
FAMAS-3,8 kg
Kalibar 7,62x51
FN FAL-4-4-5 kg
H&K G2-4,4 kg
M 14 -5,2 kg
Sa Famas i M4 pa i FN FNC se ne bi mogla upoređivati jer je nastala znatno ranije. Nego kako je radila u pustinjskim uslovima, ima li nekih svjedočenja?
Poslao: 07 Jan 2010 19:04
- Gavrilo Milentijević
- Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
- Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 36140
- Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet
Galil Assult Rifles 5.56mm
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Galil Sniper Rifle 7.62mm
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Poslao: 07 Jan 2010 19:45
- Izambar

- Ugledni građanin
- Sam svoj gazda ,sam svoj majstor.
- Pridružio: 19 Jul 2008
- Poruke: 414
- Gde živiš: U Srbji brale
Puška je je dobro zamišljena ali je pokazala dosta manjkavosti npr. cevi su se brzo tošile, pregrevanje u zoni cilindra za pozajmicu gasa verovatno zbog visokog impulsa metka, regulator paljbe je znao da prebaci iz jednog u drugi režim paljbe.
Nisam imao prilike da koristim Galil ali R4 da puška je zgodnija za rukovanje od naše M70 brže se nađe stav sa njom održavanje je jednostavno, preciznost zadovoljavajuća, kakva bi bila u nekoj dužoj eksplatacji ne znam.
Poslao: 07 Jan 2010 20:45
- Sirius

- SuperModerator
- Sad radim sve ono što pre nisam stizao.
- Pridružio: 17 Maj 2006
- Poruke: 26382
- Gde živiš: I ja se pitam...
Apocalypse Now je polubanovan na ovom potforumu zbog šovinističkog jezika. Izraelci se ne zovu Ješe, bar ne na ovom forumu. Upozorenje za sve koji misle da je ovaj forum chatroom: neću dozvoliti ovako nizak stil disusije na ovoj temi.
Mogli ste da se setite da su galil dužili i naši padobranci, sigurno ne slučajno. Izraelci su od svog postanka neprestano u ratu, sasvim sigurno znaju da naprave dobro oružje. IMI je to do sada stoput pokazala - između ostalog i time što zna šta treba da kopira.
Poslao: 07 Jan 2010 22:47
- Pridružio: 04 Jan 2010
- Poruke: 108
Iako je off možda ipak može na ovu temu pošto je dobar dio i o Galilu a i dolazi od nekoga tko je imao prilike probati ono o čemu piše.
To što su padobranci koristili Galili je referenca.No nakon Stg 44 Galili je neusporedivo dobro, moderno i pouzdano oružje.
Ali isto primjera radi Izraelski padobranci koriste AK-za njih je bolji od Galilia.
Po meni što se tiče ergonomije i izrade Galili je vrh AK obitelji. Ali isto tak po meni uz jednu manu-prevelika masa-kao što sam naveo u postu prije.
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M16 Vs. AK47/Galil
One of the most common debates in weapons forums on the web is the M16 Vs. AK47 issue - which one is the better assault rifle. As probably the only western army in the world that have used both an AK47 variant (IMI Galil) and the M16 on a large scale, the IDF is often mentioned as a real life example.
The pro M16 guys claim that the IDF usage of the M16 is a clear evidence of the weapon's quality, while the pro AK47 guys claim that the IDF switched from IMI Galil to the M16 only since it received them free of charge from the U.S.
The truth is that the M16 is by far the more superior weapon. It's lighter, more accurate, more versatile, and with proper maintenance it is very reliable. Indeed, it might be less sand proof then the Galil/AK47 series. However, all you need is to clean it once a day and it will work properly. Since modern armies clean their smallarms on a daily even during combat deployment this is a non-issue.
In fact, most of the myth regarding the M16 unreliability date back to the Vietnam War when the M16 was first issued. The 5.56 ammunition given then to the troops used a low quality sticky powder that caused massive buildup of dirt in the M16 mechanism and eventually to jamming problems. When the ammunition was changed, the misfire problems disappeared as well.
The IMI Galil is heavy, not accurate and you can't place any optics on it without special adapters. Many people also don't like the Galil/AK safety mechanism but that's more a personnel preference issue. The M16 design, however, is very user friendly and allow numerous modifications to be made such as mounting various uppers. The large number of M16 variants used by the IDF for dozens and dozens of years of continuous combat deployment is a clear evidence of that.
Thus, the reason for the IDF usage of the M16 over the Galil isn't the cost. It's the pure quality of the M16 over the Galil. Most of IDF troops dislike the Galil and will prefer a CAR15/M4 over it.
Those who are using the cost factor are simply unfamiliar with the IDF assault rifles history. Short review - up until the mid 1970's the IDF standard issue assault rifle was the FN FAL. At that time most of the Israeli elite units were using the AK47, which was considered to be much better then the FAL.
During the Israeli-Arab Yom Kippur War in 1973 the U.S. made a massive airlift to Israel containing large sums of brand new M16A1 and CAR15. However, shortly after the war the IDF had adopted the IMI Galil as its new standard issue assault rifle so most of the M16 remained in storage.
The Galil wasn't a big success to say the least. Most of the IDF elite units weren't impressed with the new weapon and remained with the AK47, which also had a deniability capability in covert deep insertions operations.
In the late 1970's few SF units tried out the CAR15 and were tremendously impressed. A decade later, by the late 1980's, almost all elite units were already armed with CAR15 which was gradually replacing the IMI Galil SAR and the AK47.
Note that this was years and years before the IDF officially adopted the M16 in the early 1990's. The IDF SF units that adopted the CAR15 didn't had any cost issue at mind. They could have used either the M16 or the Galil. It made no matter budget wise, since both weapons were already available in masses. The decision was purely quality based and no one told the units which weapon to use. More clearly - in some IDF elite units the Galil was simply never used and they always preferred the CAR15 over it.
Following the influence of the SF units, in the early 1990's the IDF had officially adopted the M16 family as its new standard issue assault rifle for all infantry oriented units, including both SF and conventional units. Today, the IMI Galil is only used by the Artillery Corps, Armor Crops, stationary elements in the Anti Aircraft Corps and rear line units.
Lets again review the situation in the early 1990's. The IDF had large sums of Galil variants it procured over the years, and it also had large sums of M16 it received in the 1973 war as well as in U.S. Army surpluses shipments over the years. Both weapons were available in masses and there wasn't any current or near future need to procure either weapon. The IDF also had thousands of AK47 that were captured over the years. So the IDF could use the AK47 free of charge over M16 or Galil.
Eventually, the IDF chose the M16, so again cost wasn't really an issue. Further more, even if there was such a cost factor, then the IDF could have simply supply all rear line troops with the cheaper M16 and issue the more expensive Galil to the front line troops. The fact that the exact opposite was done speaks for itself.
Moreover, some times the cost is less of an issue. The IDF often buy expensive Israeli weapons since it's forced too by inner-Israeli political pressure. For example, the IMI forced the Israeli Police to buy the Jericho 941 handguns. The IDF managed to escape the pressure in this case and got the much better Sig Sauer 228/226. The Israeli M240 Sufa ("Storm" in Hebrew) jeep is yet another example. The fact that despite the domestic pressure the M16 was chosen over the Galil is yet another evident of its superiority.
Let's review the situation today. The IDF no longer receives M16 for free. Instead, Israel receives from the U.S. few billion dollars per year of Foreign Military Support (FMS). However, the catch is that most of this money must be spent in Dollars back in the U.S. Also, for several reasons most of the IDF orders are registered as U.S. Army orders. This allows the IDF to largely enjoy from the quantity discounts the U.S. Army receives on its large orders.
The M4 series is indeed cheaper then the Galil or even the new Tavor series. In order to buy gear and weapons using the U.S. FMS the item must be at least 50% made in the U.S. This is why the IMI is currently looking for ways to manufacture the Tavor in the U.S. - so that the IDF could buy the Tavor using FMS.
But as usual IMI was too slow and the IDF already procured large sums of the M4 replacing the CAR15. Not to mention that the Bullpup concept of the Tavor is problematic since it doesn't allow simultaneous usage of both shoulders during combat, a major tactical disadvantage, especially in CQB or in urban warfare. Yet, it appears that IDF will eventually buy small sums of the Tavor.
To summarize, the IDF chose the M16 over the AK47/Gail because the M16 is the better assault rifle in all parameters that matter. As for reliability, the M16 is reliable enough. As for cost it's a non issue. Buying weapons today is cheap. In fact, for modern armies who buy large sums, most optical sights cost much more then assault rifles per unit.
Poslao: 08 Jan 2010 11:06
- walther45

- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 28 Feb 2009
- Poruke: 872
- Gde živiš: najlipsi grad na svitu
tojekom svog sluzbovanja u HVu dosao sam u kontakt sa galilom (doduse nisam pucao iz nje) al ostavila mi je nekako utisak ogoljenog kalasnjikova.al da nije teska je.opet uzevsi u obzir godine i okolnosti kad je nastala znaci prije evo sad ce skoro 40 god.nije cudo.al u rukama izgleda robusno i cvrsto i lipo lezi u ruci
sve u svemu cini mi se dobra puska.
Poslao: 08 Jan 2010 11:23
- Danko SVIK VRS

- Mod u pemziji
- Pridružio: 19 Maj 2009
- Poruke: 4980
- Gde živiš: Beograd - Srbija; Novi Grad - Republika Srpska
Imao sam priliku da je malo bolje upoznam - dakle rastavljao sam je pogledao način obrade i imao sam priliku da ispalim 30 metaka iz nje. Dakle govorim o originalu ARM, a ne o R-4. Kod mene je ostavila odličan utisak - robusna, pouzdana i precizna puška - baš kakva vojniku treba kad prigusti.
Nisu stručnjaci Zastava ARMS, bezveze uzeli za izradu nove puške konstrukciju ili uzor baš GALIL, preciznije R-4 puške. Spolja solidan dizajn, a unutra srce Kalašnjikova.
Poslao: 08 Jan 2010 20:39
- Pridružio: 27 Jul 2006
- Poruke: 2084
Sirius ::
Mogli ste da se setite da su galil dužili i naši padobranci, sigurno ne slučajno.
Koristili su i još uvek koriste južnoafričku kopiju Galila - R-4.
Dobro se pokazala. Pored toga što je precizna, ergonomski dobro rešena, ima dosta dobru zaštitu od korozije, okviri su joj lagani-plastični...Čak ni njena relativno velika masa ne smeta kada se nosi sa originalnim širokim remnikom.