Poslao: 23 Jan 2017 22:09
- Recce
- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 18 Apr 2011
- Poruke: 6275
Pa, taj Kel Tec RDB je u sustini omaz jednoj izuzetnoj konstrukciji nakon WWII, britanskoj EM-1 i EM-2 u kalibru .280
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 23 Jan 2017 22:43
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 20158
Recce ::Pa, taj Kel Tec RDB je u sustini omaz jednoj izuzetnoj konstrukciji nakon WWII, britanskoj EM-1 i EM-2 u kalibru .280
Veoma je upitno koliko je bila izuzetna, imala je podosta problema u testovima zapravo.
Poslao: 23 Jan 2017 22:50
- Recce
- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 18 Apr 2011
- Poruke: 6275
Kojih? Voleo bih da saznam nesto vise o tome pa ako imas neki link bacaj ga! Ono sto sam ja imao prilike da procitam bilo je u superlativu, od konstrukcije oruzja pa do metka koji su cak i kanadjani planirali da uvedu kao sluzbeni a belgijanci su zapoceli izradu FAL u tom kalibru. Kalibar .280 je bio proglasen za sluzbeni u VB tokom laburisticke vladavine ali ta odluka nikada nije sprovedena uglavnom zbog pritisaka od strane SAD (kao i za avion TSR svojevremeno).
Evo zanimljivivog dela jednog od raspolozivih izvestaja iz koga se vidi da je tek koncipirana puska sa novom municijom bila kompaktnija, laksa, pouzdanija i preciznija od mnogohvaljene i dugo koriscene M-1 Garand:
Citat:"The EM-2 and FN lightweight rifle in .280 calibre (the Belgians were enthusiastic supporters of the British concept, along with the Canadians) were tested in the UK from late 1948 to late 1949 and then taken to the USA to begin trials, in competition with the American T25 experimental rifle. First to commence were the engineering trials at the Aberdeen Proving Ground between March and May 1950, followed by troop trials at Fort Benning, Georgia in front of the US Army Infantry Board between May and November 1950. After firing almost 57,000 rounds of .280 ammunition, the EM-2 had suffered stoppage rates of less than 5 rounds per 1,000 for automatic fire and only 3.4 rounds per 1,000 for semi-automatic fire. The M1 Garand, used as a control weapon, suffered stoppages of 3.8 rounds per 1,000 firing on semi-automatic only. The T25 was chambered for the original T65 cartridge (7.62x47mm) which was still in the early stages of development but eventually became the 7.62x51mm NATO round. At Fort Benning, the Trials Board reported that "the T65 Cal .30 is not satisfactory because of its excessive recoil, blast, flash and smoke. That the Cal .280 is not satisfactory because of its relatively high trajectory. That of the two basic types of rounds submitted for the test the British calibre .280 is preferred."(6) The actual findings of the tests showed that while the trajectory of the T65 was somewhat flatter and produced greater wounding at ranges of up to 1,000 yards (900m), the British .280 cartridge became more effective than the T65 at the longer distances due to is superior ballistic coefficient. At 1,000 yards, the British round could penetrate body armour seventy percent of the time, compared to the T65 that achieved sixty percent. The British round was also superior in terms of the collateral effects of shooting, that is, blast, recoil, flash and smoke. In addition, the T25 was found to slightly more accurate and achieved more hits per minute when fired from a bipod, but the EM-2 was vastly superior when fired from the shoulder..."
Link sa jos interesantnih pojedinosti:
Poslao: 24 Jan 2017 02:45
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 20158
Recce ::Kojih? Voleo bih da saznam nesto vise o tome pa ako imas neki link bacaj ga!...
Moram da ga nadjem ali ukratko:
Previse sitnih delova, sanduk sulud za proizvodnju, komplikovano ciscenje, skupa za proizvodnju, znatno manja preciznost nego druge testirane puske, problemi sa headspace-om nakon ~5000 metaka.
Poslao: 24 Jan 2017 08:45
- Recce
- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 18 Apr 2011
- Poruke: 6275
bojank ::...Previse sitnih delova, sanduk sulud za proizvodnju, komplikovano ciscenje, skupa za proizvodnju,[b]znatno manja preciznost nego druge testirane puske[/color], problemi sa headspace-om nakon ~5000 metaka.
Za cenu proizvodnje i tehnologiju zaista ne znam jer nigde nisam naisao na te podatke.
Za preciznost - naprotiv. Pokazala se kao veoma precizno oruzje koje je nadmasilo konkurente po skoro svim parametrima, izvod iz izvestaja:
Citat:...Overall, the British design team had achieved all that they had hoped to. In spite of being the most accurate and reliable rifle in the trial, and the Trials Board's recommendations to focus development on the .280 round, the decision was ultimately rejected by the US Army Chief of Staff, General J Lawton Collins..."
Prica o navodnim problemima sa ceonim zazorom nakon neke kolicine metaka mogla bi da ukaze na problem sa kvalitetom materijala za cev (ili tehnologijom izrade) medjutim ni to "ne pije vodu" jer su primerci EM-2 koji su testirani u Aberdeen-u ispalili vise metaka nego druge testirane puske zajedno a da pri tome zadrzavaju bolju preciznost.
O odrzavanju i rasklapanju nisam naisao na relevantne podatke.
Ukratko, po meni dostupnim podacima, EM-1 i EM-2 su bila oruzja znatno ispred svog vremena, kako po tehnickim resenjima tako i po konceptu (sto je potvrdjeno decenijama kasnije kada su upravo bullpup konstrukcija, manji kalibri i optika postali standard za jurisne puske). Odluka o odbacivanju EM-2 (kao i FN FAL u SAD) bila je cisto politicka i u suprotnosti sa rezultatima testiranja.
Poslao: 24 Jan 2017 15:27
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 20158
Recce, slazem se da je .280 British velika propustena sansa, i tu nema spora, da je u bilo kojoj puski zavrsio bio bi to odlican potez.
Pitanje je samo da li je EM-2 bila bas toliko dobra ili ne.
Poslao: 24 Jan 2017 20:30
- Recce
- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 18 Apr 2011
- Poruke: 6275
Po onome sto je meni dostupno od rezultata testiranja, to je jedna od najboljih konstrukcija tog vremena.