Poslao: 01 Okt 2013 18:46
- Pridružio: 17 Avg 2009
- Poruke: 137
Za ove druge mi je jasno sve, al nisam znao za varijantu m72 u 5.56, ja sam cak misljenja da im falio originalni okvir pa uglavili od m21, da ne bude klot puska.
Kad se zagledam u natpis na onom papiru kao da nazirem da pise 7,62.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 01 Okt 2013 18:55
- MB120mm
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 18 Feb 2013
- Poruke: 6175
Napustanje kalibra 7,62 prosto receno nema veze sa mozgom,pa ko se vredja...razumem ga jer se ni sam ne pita nista.
Poslao: 01 Okt 2013 19:53
- Recce
- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 18 Apr 2011
- Poruke: 6276
voja64 ::...sa starih municijskih kutija odsekli onaj deo gde sebravi za mitraljez a dole je bio pričvršćen klasični vojnički ranac M75 pa redenici i municija nisu zveckali i lakše su se premeštali sa vatrenog položaja a i lakša je to cela skalamerija...
Pa vi ste to digli na visi nivo. Kod nas je bilo uobicajeno koriscenje preradjenog ranca poput torbe sa naramenicom prebacene preko levog ramena a redenik uredno ispresavijan unutra. Ceca ga bez problema izvlaci tokom paljbe, bez obzira da li je na telu ili na zemlji pored oruzja. Dobra strana ovog resenja je sto tezina municije nije na rukama vec na ramenu. Ali dopada mi se ovo sa preradom kutije. Ucenje je dozivotni proces...
Poslao: 01 Okt 2013 20:25
- Scorpio
- Građanin
- Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 172
- Gde živiš: Na planeti majmuna
In Russia have developed a shortened " Pecheneg " for Special Forces
Gun was noisy and not very accurate, but it breaks any body armor
In Russia have developed a shortened " Pecheneg " for Special Forces
For special forces , who "work" for short distances , have created a shortened version of the machine gun " Pecheneg ". He shoots rifle cartridge caliber 7,62 × 53 and can penetrate any modern body armor .
Deputy Chairman of the Military - Industrial Commission, said Oleg Bochkarev "News" that the shortened gun included forward-looking outfit " Warrior " for special forces.
- A new gun we showed the president in Izhevsk, September 18 , when he visited concern " Kalashnikov" . This weapon is designed Highland plant them . VA Dyagtereva - said Bochkarev .
He added that the technical characteristics of the machine gun have not been disclosed .
As explained to "News" test participants new weapons , its main task - guaranteed to hit the enemy, despite the protection . In this case, the military does not scare the volume of shots and low accuracy .
- From it very difficult to hit the target at long range . But with 100-150 - easily. At the same rifle cartridge that powerful machine , punches any body armor - told "Izvestia" .
The developer of the new weapon , the officer of the " Vympel" Special Forces Center of FSB of Russia said the "News" that the usual " Pecheneg " new assault gun by the absence of the butt and the recommendation of the fire control stick forward (Scheme " bullpup "). Due to this gun is shorter by 27 cm, 0.5 kg lighter and more accurate.
- The length of the barrel is the same - 65 cm He changed mounting arm - she moved forward - and cleaned the butt. Accuracy with a bipod is the same accuracy with a hand-to- three times higher. Especially noticeable advantage of the shortened gun when firing standing and kneeling , when the high grass or obstacles not allow the use of fire from the bipod - said the officer.
He added that the sighting range from the new machine gun remained virtually the same as that of the usual " Pecheneg " - 1 km. In this case, due to the new muzzle brake reduced recoil gun twice. Equipped with a machine gun mounts " Picatinny " for the installation of modern scopes and accessories. For the tests in 2014 is planned to produce 20 guns shortened the new design.
According to "News " in the Defense Ministry , short gun will be tested for one of the options for outfitting a new generation of " Warrior ". For her, it was developed a new " Kalashnikov " AK-12 , which has not passed the preliminary tests and was not admitted to the public .
At the plant. VA Degtyarev , the products of which took place on the state tests , "News" confirmed that under the " Warrior " will experience a shortened " Pecheneg ". At the same time representative of the plant said on condition of anonymity, said there are several versions of such weapons, but to specifications before the completion of the tests say it makes no sense .
- What is now contrived - it is still far from reality and from the serial deliveries . These works are still closed and not brought to the result , industrial test samples will only be ready by the end of the year. This is a brand new gun , although it can be shortened name " Pechenegov " - said the representative of the plant .
Hand infantry machine gun " Pecheneg " of 7.62 mm was developed in CRI TOCHMASH as a further development of the army staff Kalashnikov machine gun ( PKM ) . The main difference from its predecessor was to increase resistance to heat the barrel during firing , as well as increased efficiency of fire.
In the future, " Pecheneg " has been improved. In a modified version , " Pechenegov -2" , the trunk is made of new steel grades , whereby its life extended twice.
Poslao: 06 Okt 2013 11:50
- MB120mm
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 18 Feb 2013
- Poruke: 6175
Da li je na bilo kojim M72,vrseno hromiranje cevi?Uz opticki nisan i KVALITETAN dobos,dobija se izvanredan laki PM(naravno bez promene kalibra).Jeftina modernizacija oruzja,kojeg verovatno imamo mnogo.
Poslao: 06 Okt 2013 11:57
- voja64
- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
- Poruke: 25785
Neverujem da je osim nabavke doboša išta više dodato za M72 .
Na onom M72AB1 je postavljen metalni preklopni kundak za dejstvo iz OT BVP M 80.
Poslao: 06 Okt 2013 12:04
- MB120mm
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 18 Feb 2013
- Poruke: 6175
Steta Vojo mislim da ce neko od nadleznih citati,pa mozda ponesto i uvaze od svega ovog sto predlazemo,a ima dosta interesantnih ideja,....poseban doprinos dajete vi koji ste u materiji i cini mi se pre rano" izasli iz stroja"
Poslao: 06 Okt 2013 12:13
- voja64
- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
- Poruke: 25785
U ovoj sadašnjoj državi sada ima više onih koji su prerano izašli iz stroja u "Cvetu mladosti#kada se najviše daje , nego onih koji su se tamo najčešće našli iz puke potrebe za radom jer istog nije bilo na drugim mestima a zašta se većina školovala za razliku od nas profesionalno školovanih a prerano izašlih.
Nekome je cilj da ima ovakvu vojsku pa se tako i vrši i popuna ljudstvom a još je indikativnije i ono malo zaostalih sredstava ne adekvatno remontovati i sve manje zanavljati ili nabavljati novo.
Kao da neko umesto svoje priželjkuje da hrani tuđu vojsku...NAŽALOS je jedini moj zaključak..
Većina danas možda najbrojnijih privatnih firmi za razna obezbeđenja svega i svačega uglavnom zapošljava sve te prerano penzionisane a školovane starešine pa kad bi se sabrao njihov broj bojim se da bi ih bilo isto ili više neko u VSu...
Poslao: 08 Okt 2013 17:18
- MB120mm
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 18 Feb 2013
- Poruke: 6175
Mozda je negde i pisalo...kolika je cena CECE,za potrebe V.S ?
Poslao: 08 Okt 2013 22:20
- duxhm
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 12 Maj 2010
- Poruke: 2928
Potpisujem. Nekome je stalo da VS ima nestrucan (da ne napisem nepismen) komandni kadar, cast izuzecima naravno, ima jos uvek dosta staresina za primer, ali nisam siguran dokle ce ih biti.