Verdun: Zona zabranjenog kretanja

Verdun: Zona zabranjenog kretanja

  • EOD 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • UES
  • Pridružio: 03 Okt 2011
  • Poruke: 3579
  • Gde živiš: Tanhauser Gate

Dan danas na područjima gdje su se tokom Prvog svjetskog rata odigrale velike bitke postoje crvene zone, tj. područja potpune zabrane kretanja zbog kontaminacije eksplozivnomi hemijskom municijom. Pretpostavke su da će ova područja biti sigurna za eventualno 300 do 700 godina.

Citat:And it’s getting worse. Up until 2004, foresters and hunters were allowed in with special permits till scientists made an awful discovery. Soil analysis in some parts of the Red Zone found arsenic levels of up to 17%. That’s several thousand times higher than in previous decades, meaning those chemicals are acting up, not down.The water in the area has also been impacted. Besides an increase in arsenic levels of up to 300 times what scientists consider to be “tolerable” levels, they’ve also found an increase in the non-biodegradable lead from shrapnel. But it’s not just in the water. They’ve also discovered non-biodegradable lead in some animals, especially wild boars, so that turned the hunters off and with good reason.

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