Srpski srednjovekovni oklop i oruzije

Srpski srednjovekovni oklop i oruzije

  • Pridružio: 08 Maj 2017
  • Poruke: 31

Zanima e kako je izgledao srpski srednjovekovni oklop i kako se pravio kavo i oružja korišćena u srednjovekovno srbi tačnije za vreme nemanjica

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  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 35418

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  • Stručljak-Penal
  • Pridružio: 27 Avg 2018
  • Poruke: 11387

U toj temi ima svačega, od pametnih stvari do Svibora.

Ne postoji nešto štobi moglo da se nazove srpski oklop. U upotrebi su razni tipovi zapadno evropskih oklopa,kao i razni romejski oklopi. Nisam siguran da li ima tragova izrade na teritoriji Srbije, no ima uvoza. Dušan je recimo naručio u jednom trenutku iz Italije šlemove tipa barbuta.

  • Pridružio: 14 Apr 2014
  • Poruke: 1444

Ово је занимљиво, не знам да ли сам игде видео верижњачу на фрескама наших манастира. Добро, јесте у Албанији, али манастир је подигао кесар Новак Мрасоровић.

Archangelos Michael and Saint Dimitrios Myrovlytis with officers of the Roman and Serbian army.
Archangelos Michael has a high guard position while the cell is low. He is carrying a sword while wearing an armour of creatures that this type is called a "mirror". Its breast has additional protection with a metal plate that is tied to a cross. It brings the characteristics of wings that protect the thighs, while the upper parts of the arms also have protection.
Saint Dimitrios has a guard with an inverted grip. Comes with a chained chest which is worn above the bed. Its lower limbs are protected by wings, while it brings seperation. The Heraclius knot that is around its chest makes an impression, an ancient Greek (and Roman tradition) originated from the Elefss Mysteries.
This agiography gives us a lot of information on the equipment of the Byzantine and Serbs of the 14th century. The agiography is located in the Holy Church of the Virgin Mary (Albanian: Shpella e Maligradit) is an Orthodox Cave Church on the island of St. Paul or Maligrant, within the Albanian section of the Prespa Lakes and is a Cultural Monument Eio of Albania. The church was built in 1369 BC and the founders of the church were Serbian aristocrat Caesar Novak and his wife Kalia who was Greek. The illustration of the temple was made by Greek agigographers where the characteristic technotry of the Palaiologia Renaissance is seen while all the inscriptions are in the Greek language.

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