Пре 2 месеца на универзитету у Самари одржан је скуп о изгледима развоја авио-мотора у Русији.
Након година и година развоја новог мотора за СУ-57 и ттз да исти има могућност supercruise (лет надзвучном брзином без употребе накнадног сагоревања/форсажа)
На 1.45 ч. шеф Љуљка-Сатурна је признао да нови мотор ипак неће имати ту могућност.
Rolls-Royce testira Pearl 10X
Rolls-Royce has commenced flight testing of its new aircraft engine, the Pearl 10X Citat:The new engine, which will serve as the powerplant for the flagship business jet Dassault Falcon 10X, can already be seen under the right wing of the Boeing 747-200 flying laboratory.
Flight testing with this engine began in the state of Texas in mid-March; however, the company has announced that the official test campaign commenced only on March 29th.
Interestingly, under the left wing, another engine, the Trent 1000, is also installed, complementing the trio of standard RB211 engines.