Avionski motori


Avionski motori

  • Pridružio: 02 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 1462

koje su karakteristike motra 5 generacije koliko sam mogao da saznam na netu F35 ce imati 4++ generciju motora, a jedino pak fa ce imati motor 5 generacije?

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  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13919

Razvijali su u GE novu generaciju motora za F-22, ali su se ipak opredelili za PW.

Pocni odavde:

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12569

su47berkut ::koje su karakteristike motra 5 generacije koliko sam mogao da saznam na netu F35 ce imati 4++ generciju motora, a jedino pak fa ce imati motor 5 generacije?

F135 je sve samo los motor. Na forsazu postize skoro 200kN. Ima napredan sistem elektronike koji nemas ni u jednom drugom motoru.

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13919

Mislis nije los. Niko ne kaze da je los. Nisam siguran da su postigli 200. Na nekim drugiom mestima se ne spominje ni 191 vec 182kN.

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12569

Greska u kucanju. Rekoh skoro 200kN. Posto sam vidjao 191kN ali obicno je pravi potisak malo veci.

  • Pridružio: 30 Apr 2010
  • Poruke: 552
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Arrow Za ljubitelje performansi motora, ko pravi bolje motore, koji ima veću spec snagu i ostale trice i kučine evo solidnog teksta o njihovim karakteristikama datim u uporednoj tabeli.

"Comparison of fighters of the fourth and fifth generation" Paul Bulat

AL-31F and RD-33.

Introduced 10 years later, F100-PW-100, our engines, being very similar to each other, very unique and progressive scheme. Low-loaded compressor stage, coupled with single-stage turbine, high and low pressure have a massive reserve for upgrading.
It is possible to introduce a variety of modes: minimum afterburner, Training Fast and the Furious, full afterburner, take-off, extraordinary. Almost without any meaningful change, just by changing the gas-dynamic parameters thrust AL-31F can be increased from 12,5 to 13,2 m, and RD-33 from 8 to 9,4 ton. Unfortunately, the notorious events of 90 years not
possible to apply advanced engines for serial machines.
The only major upgrade was RD-33K for the deck of the MiG-29K with increased diameter of the fan, air flow and thrust. It was further developed version of the RD-33MK for the new MiG. It should be noted that the RD-33 in the initial configuration differed most moderate proportions of the parameters, respectively, had the greatest scope for modernization. So to develop modifications of RD-43 (VC-10) only by twisting gasdynamic parameters thrust increased to nearly 10-ton without increasing the weight and fuel consumption. In the next generation, known as VC-12 (RD-431), would have applied elements of technology specific to generation 4 + ("Bliske, single-crystal blades and turbine discs, a ceramic combustion chamber, a new nozzle). VC-10 and VC-12 designed for MiG-35 first and subsequent episodes. They can also be applied to MiGe-29K/KUB.
For the Su-27SM, Su-30MK, Su-33KUB, SU-34, Su-35 developed new versions of the AL-31F engines, known as the 117S (Saturn) and AL-31FM1/M2/M3. AL-31FM1 already adopted to equip the Su-27SM. It has a thrust of about 13.2 kG. At AL-31FM2 apply the new Lopaka the compressor with a wide chord, based on technology "were around." Thrust has reached the 14.2-ton. On the modification of the AL-31FM3 tested new turbine and the camera, and the engine thrust is increased to 15,3 ton [5].
Already being developed and the AL-31FM4, which, like the 117C, has an increased diameter of the fan. These motors are designed for new fighter Su-35/34/30MK, as well as the fifth-generation aircraft. In AL-31FM4 used the same construction scheme as that of F119, ie 3 +6 = 1 +1 (three-stage fan, six-compressor, single stage turbine, high and low pressure. The new engine will make use of all the innovations that have been tested on earlier versions. Thrust already in 2009 may reach values of 16.5 tons.

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13919

Prvi put cujem za VC-10 i VC-12. Da li se zna nesto vise o ovim motorima? MiG-35 bi onda imao mogucnost supersonicnog krstarenja.

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12569

Leonardo ::Prvi put cujem za VC-10 i VC-12. Da li se zna nesto vise o ovim motorima? MiG-35 bi onda imao mogucnost supersonicnog krstarenja.

Koliko znam vuku korene od Klimov motora koji je bio konkurent AL-41. Ali ne znam da li je ista radjeno ili samo postoje na papiru.

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16101
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

Leonardo ::Prvi put cujem za VC-10 i VC-12. Da li se zna nesto vise o ovim motorima? MiG-35 bi onda imao mogucnost supersonicnog krstarenja.

Nebi imao te mogučnosti, jedino ako mu još konkretnije smanje težinu ili znatno poboljšaju aerodinamiku.

Motor RD-43 VKS ima premali suhi potisak, samo 51,46 kN. (RD-33 ima 50 kN). No motor je manjih dimenzija i za 70 kg lakši.

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13919

U tabeli stoji za VC-10 60kgs i VC-12 75kgs. Sa tim potiskom bi bio u stanju da leti supersonicno bez DS. MiG-29 leti preko 2 maha. Ne vidim sta bi to trebali da poprave kada govorimo o aerodinamici? Ne mogu ni Rafale i Tajfun da lete supersonicno sa potiskom od 50kN po motoru.

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