Rakete V-V


Rakete V-V

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

Rusi pazare
Citat:The Russian Ministry of Defense has ordered the latest air combat missiles R-77-1 for 65 billion rubles for Russian fighters, sources in the military-industrial complex told Izvestia.

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Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

Japancima odobrena kupovina
Japan cleared to buy 32 AIM-120C-8 missiles
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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

Spancima odobrena kupovina
US Approves $248M Sale of AMRAAM Missiles to Spain
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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103088

Bugari hoce da pazare 16 kom. AIM-120C7 AMRAAM
Bulgaria Signs for AIM-120C7 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM)
Citat:Bulgaria became the world’s 40th AMRAAM user when the European nation recently signed an agreement to purchase the missile from the U.S. Air Force through a foreign military sales contract. This letter of offer and acceptance allows the U.S. government to begin contract negotiations with Raytheon Missiles & Defense for production of an undisclosed quantity of missiles. The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Bulgaria of F-16C/D Block 70/72 aircraft with support for an estimated cost of $1.673 billion. The Government of Bulgaria has requested to buy sixteen (16) AIM-120C7 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAMs).
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  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12609

Jos jedna varijanta Brahmosa ovaj put u anti-AWACS ulozi:
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Zajednicki projekat Rusa i Indusa.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31441

Nova ukrajinska GSN sa IIR tragacem za zamenu starih GSN na R-27. Kazu da moze i na druge rakete.



Citat:The new optical homing heads are designed to capture the target by thermal imprint (this is the infrared range - from 3 to 5 microns), its auto-accompaniment and the issuance of autopilot control signals necessary to ensure self-guidance of the missile on the target. They are designed for use in a variety of high-precision means of impression. In this case, it can be both domestic and foreign projects.

Now the company "Radionics" manufactures new optical homing heads, which take into account the technical requirements of the customer. However, one of the developments is the GOS-203T - may be of interest to the domestic defense department.

Infrared GOS-203T with a diameter of 220 mm provides a range of capture of a typical target on the oncoming course - up to 30 km, in pursuit - more than 100 km. Capture field: 2.0x2.0 °. Preparation time for start-up - up to 2 minutes.

Structurally, the GOS-203T consists of two main components: an electronic unit and a gyro coordinator (which includes an image device with a matrix cooled photodetector, which is mounted on a gyrostabilized platform). Modern element base, materials and technologies are used in the manufacture of GOS.

All new heads from the Radionics company, as well as GOS-203T - matrix type. This design solution was applied and implemented in Ukraine for the first time. Thus, since the times of the USSR, R-27T / ET aircraft missiles have been equipped with a thermal GOS with a single-channel photodetector, which was manufactured according to the technological capabilities of the last century. And, in fact, to put it very simply, the GOS of these missiles perceived the thermal radiation of the target as a single point. This significantly limited and limits the missile's ability to perform the task in conditions of even primitive thermal interference from the enemy.

In the new GOS "Radionics" everything is much steeper. GOS-203T uses a sensitive matrix to detect and capture the thermal signature (in other words, a unique thermal image or imprint) of a specific target. This allows not only to detect targets with thermal signature at much greater distances, but also to implement complex algorithms for Obstacles that can put an enemy missile, which significantly increases the likelihood of hitting a missile with such a GOS.

Also, the new development allows you to implement the concept of work on "images of goals". The software and hardware potential of the new GOS is quite suitable for this, "explained Radioniks director Stanislav Zavyalov.

Also, if necessary, the thermal image of the target attacked by the missile can be displayed on the monitor of the operator or pilot - depending on which platform - ground or air - a guided missile with a new GOS is used.

"If we talk about the use of the same R-27 aircraft missiles with thermal homing warheads from MiG or Su fighters, then earlier the pilot with the help of a regular optical laser station (OLS) could detect an enemy target at a range of 90 km. However, the thermal warhead missile homing could capture this target at a much shorter distance, because the photodetectors in the GOS of Soviet missiles lacked sensitivity.

With our GOS now everything is different. Its sensitivity was equal to the range of target detection by the OLS, which has an aircraft. Now, immediately after detecting the target, the pilot, without waiting, can switch to the mode of capturing the target with the homing head and launch the missile in the "shoot-forget" mode. This significantly enhances the combat potential of the fighter, "- said the representatives of the company" Radionix ".

It is significant that the new GOS already has orders from several foreign companies. The next batch of new optical homing heads has been ordered by a foreign buyer for testing as part of our own products. Therefore, Radionics expects that in the near future their GOS will be tested as part of high-precision means of impression of foreign production. With the subsequent exit to serial orders.

"We are currently expanding the production capacity for mass production of GOS at our production base in sufficient quantities, given the volume of primarily export orders. We are also completing work on increasing the stands for dynamic testing and other test equipment," said on "Radionix".

The new GOS can be adapted to any guided missile, where the principle of aiming at the thermal signal from the target is applied. The diameter of the GOS can be from 180 mm and more. In case of special need, it is possible to perform GOS in smaller diameters.

For example, in the line from 50 to 90 mm, which is quite common for use in high-precision missiles for UAVs, as well as for anti-aircraft missiles such as the American "Jevelin".

And the fact that the GOS-203T is made in a diameter of 220 mm - is also not accidental. Radionics aims to ensure that this new GOS can completely replace the outdated GOS-36T with much worse performance used on R-27T and R-27ET aircraft.

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  • Pridružio: 18 Nov 2017
  • Poruke: 1444

Rusi jos nista povodom tih matricnih pretrazivaca?

Anti aircraft missiles such ss Americsn Javelin Smile

  • član biblioteke
  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 28839
  • Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda

Izgleda da je 128x128 ali da je digitalna obrada nedovršena.

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36105
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Citat:Russia tests Vympel R-37M (aka RVV-BD) very long-range hypersonic air-to-air missile from Su-35S
R-37M (AA-13 Axehead) will be carried by modernized MiG-31BM ; Su-35S and Su-57 and is intended to replace R-77 (AA-12 Adder).
R-37M is credited of ~250 km range at Mach 5

  • d.ing Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3572
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

Napisano: 05 Okt 2020 11:51

брача Руси мало промовишу ракете

даншна звезда Изделије 180
Citat:first photo of the Izdeliye-180 (K-77M)
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Citat:something very interesting to note, after reviewing footage and looking at the photos, the midbody strakes of the K77M on pylon 12 are of a forward swept leading edge shape. This is consistent throughout the footage, leading me to *not* believe it is artifacting.[/quote]

josh slika
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Dopuna: 13 Okt 2020 22:16

Evo i pogled s adruge strane Bare

Russian Air-To-Air Missile Tests Signal Potential New Capabilities For Flanker and Felon
Two new videos show that progress is being made in fielding new long-range weapons for the Russian Aerospace Forces.

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Dopuna: 20 Okt 2020 20:42

Након 37 М
долази и изделије 270

интервју у Вимпелу
шта има ново

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The Delegation in the shop of Gosmkb "Vympel". The new missile on the stand at the top. Photo Thedrive.com

The Russian industry has shown a new guided missile "air-air" weapons designed for modern and advanced fighter aircraft. It is only about showing – any information about this item has not yet been published. Despite the lack of information, a new weapon has attracted the attention of foreign media.

The new missile

The Delegation in the shop of Gosmkb "Vympel". The new missile on the stand at the top. Photo Thedrive.com

The Russian industry has shown a new guided missile "air-air" weapons designed for modern and advanced fighter aircraft. It is only about showing – any information about this item has not yet been published. Despite the lack of information, a new weapon has attracted the attention of foreign media.

First showing

Promising a missile "air-air" showed to the public on November 18. On this day in Moscow was held the ceremony of inauguration of the renovated production building Gosmkb "Vympel" them. I. I. Toropova. The event was attended by the heads of Moscow, including mayor Sergei Sobyanin. The guests of the company revealed the upgraded production site, as well as some products of the company.

The improvised exhibition along with other products demonstrated several aircraft missiles "air-air". If the bulk of such products are already familiar to professionals and the public, one of them appeared openly for the first time.

Unfortunately, so far only known appearance of the missile on the basis of which it is possible to make some assumptions and conclusions. The name of the product and performance characteristics remain unknown. All this leaves room for estimates and projections, including the most daring. So, the foreign press have already linked the new missile on the fifth generation fighter.

Technical features

On the stand in the shop put the rocket, by various characteristics markedly different from other products. Along with it showed missiles R-73 (probably its last modification) and R-77. A joint demonstration of some of products allows to estimate the dimensions of the new rocket.

Promising rocket received a cylindrical body of large aspect ratio with side fairing for cables. Use the pointy fairing, but its shape is unknown – a rocket was shown with the protective cover. In the rear part of the housing placed four decompose plane. This is probably lattice wheels with flat caps discharged. Apparently, the rocket has only one set of planes.

Unknown missile has a reduced length – it is shorter presented R-77 and R-73. Its length can be estimated at about 2.5 m. diameter casing and the magnitude of the rudders is comparable to R-77 – 200 and 700 mm, respectively. Weight of items is unknown.

What's inside?

Appearance of the rocket allows to define some features of its design. However, the full performance characteristics cannot be established – until they reveal organization-developer.

Missiles at the exhibition from a different angle. Photo a press-services of the mayor and government of Moscow / mos.ru

Fairing products covered by protective casing of considerable size and characteristic shape. Devices of this kind are usually used on missiles "air-air" with a radar seeker and Radome. Thus, the new missile may have a radar seeker, although its exact type is unknown. Can be used as active and semi-active or passive system. The GOS and the equipment occupy the entire head portion of the housing.

Directly behind the GOS is fighting part. Probably uses the "traditional" high-explosive charge. Around the circumference of the body there are small Windows – apparently applied by a noncontact laser sensor targets, monitoring all directions.

The Central and tail part of the hull given over to the propulsion system. Russian missiles "air-air" are equipped with solid fuel engines, and a new product is unlikely to be an exception. However, the engine specifications for photos to be excluded.

Optional features

Appearance and the assumptions about the internal equipment of the missile can be used for new assessments. In particular, you can try to determine the purpose of the rocket, and therefore other features aspects.

For its size the new missile inferior to the famous R-73 and R-77. The smaller size of the product as a whole and its engine suggest that it belongs to a class of guided missiles small-or medium-range. The maximum range of the missile R-77 reaches 110 km, but the parameters of future missiles should be more modest.

The New missile is unlikely to be intended for melee. Domestic weapons for such tasks, equipped with infrared seeker, while the radar used on missiles of other classes.

Thus, most likely we are talking about medium-range missile, capable of hitting targets at distances of tens of kilometers. The exact type of the GOS is unknown, and therefore it was unclear whether a rocket to work on is "fire and forget".

A New missile for the new aircraft

The Foreign press first drew attention to the reduced dimensions of the rocket. This feature is associated with the development of Russian aviation, namely the necessity to apply in the fifth generation fighter, the su-57. To reduce visibility to radar, the aircraft can carry weapons in the internal gruzootsekah. They have a limited amount and impose certain requirements on the dimensions of the weapon.

General view of the product. Twitter.com/RupprechtDeino

Based on available data, the new missile will be carried in all gruzootsekahSu-57. It is free to enter in main compartments, placed on the axis of the aircraft, and in the side, differing in smaller sizes. Thus, a promising fighter will receive a new weapon, combining high combat qualities and ease of use.

In favor of the version of the application on the su-57 says the logic of arms and equipment for videoconferencing. The fighter of the fifth generation went into production, because all new models of weapons must be created with the use of it. While we should not forget compatibility with other aircraft.

In the context of weapons for the su-57 is necessary to remember the news in recent years. At different times and at different levels it was argued that in the framework of the PAK FA for future aircraft it created almost a dozen new aircraft weapons of all classes. Apparently, one of them is recently shown a rocket from Gosmkb "Vympel".

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