Rakete V-V


Rakete V-V

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12571

Evo specifikacije same rakete:

R-73M2 barem prema specifikacijama.

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  • Taso  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 1079
  • Gde živiš: Terra Australis

jazbar ::Jel stvarno u terminalnoj fazi RVV-BD leti bez goriva samo na inerciju? Jel se to namerno ugasi motor da nebi bio vidljiv IC i UV senzorima ili nestane goriva zbog duljine leta ili su u crtiću zaboravili nacrtati plamen?

Mozda je odgor na to pitanje u donjem citatu (moja pretpostavka)

Citat:RVV-BD long-range guided missile is presented at MAKS-2011 for the first time. In comparison with its predecessor R-33E long-range guided missile, the new one has improved technical performance. High aerodynamic quality of RVV-BD missile and use of dual-mode solid – fuelled motor taking into consideration its all-up weight up to 510 caliber, permits launch – range up to 200 km (R – 33E has launch range only 120 km) and ability to destroy targets with overload up to 8 g (R – 33E able to destroy only with 4 g overload) at the altitude from 15 m to 25 km.


  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12571

sivisoko ::
To opet potvrdjuje teoriju o BVR mogucnostima rakete, jer ako IC glava nije u stanju da zahvati cilj na tim daljinama, LOAL apsolutno ima smisla.

Jel kod RVV-MD postoji datalink koji koristi za korekciju putanje cime bi se mogla smatrati BVR raketom?

  • Pridružio: 23 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 1267

mean_machine ::sivisoko ::
To opet potvrdjuje teoriju o BVR mogucnostima rakete, jer ako IC glava nije u stanju da zahvati cilj na tim daljinama, LOAL apsolutno ima smisla.

Jel kod RVV-MD postoji datalink koji koristi za korekciju putanje cime bi se mogla smatrati BVR raketom?

Pa ako ima domet od 40km i ako nema mogucnost zahvata cilja IC glave na tim udaljenostima (sto bi zaista bilo impresivno) , da bi iskoristila toliki dolet , morala bi da ima LOAL mod lansiranja, a samim tim i datalink.
Doduse, u realnosti nikada nece moci da pogodi cilj koji manevrise na tim daljinama, ali taj domet od 40km moze da bude pokazatelj velike rezerve energije, koja moze da se iskoristi protiv cilja koji je blizu, a koji izvodi protiv raketne manevre.
Evo jednog primera koliko se domet smanjuje u realnim okolnostima.

Citat:To take one example, the Vympel R-77 has a stated range of 100 km against a head-on target at high altitude, but only 25 km in a stern chase. At low altitude it can fire at head-on targets at 20 km, from which we can guess range in a stern chase is 5 km. (See the above diagram.)
And this is presumably against targets that don't try to evade.

Ali ko ce ga znati, rusi i njihove reklame. Opet kazem, ako neko moze da protumaci sta tacno pricaju na klipu, verovatno da bi nam neke stvari bile jasnije.

  • Taso  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 1079
  • Gde živiš: Terra Australis

RVV-MD je izvozna oznaka za modernizovana R-73 (izdelije 760)

Iz 2007...

Russia & CIS Observer
17 June 2007
Piotr Butowski
Citat:....GosMKB Vympel, Russia's leading air-to-air missile design bureau, is busy evolving a full spectrum of missiles for the PAK FA, ranging from short-range weapons to long-range variants. In 2010, Vympel expects to complete its development of the short-range Izdeliye 760 missile — which is a significantly modernized version of the R-73 weapon, outfitted with an inertial flight control system and course correction receiver (tzv. 'mid-course guidance'), improved rocket engine and with new multi-mode infrared seeker. The Izdeliye 760 is expected to be a close counterpart to the Western-built ASRAAM and Sidewinder AIM-9X missiles.

Citat:Three years later, the new-generation K-MD short range missile (also to be designated the Izdeliye 300) is to be operational. When compared to Izdeliye 760, the new missile will have longer range and will be capable of being launched from any direction; it will be also more resistant to jamming. The K-MD will be fitted with a new imaging infrared seeker enabling identification of target according to memorized images. The seeker's lock-on range will be two times greater than the seeker for the Izdeliye 760 missile. A new adaptive warhead will be introduced, and the missile's control will be performed with aerodynamic surfaces, as well as a thrust-vector engine nozzle.

Russia's most modern medium-range air-to-air missile is the R-77 (Izdeliye 170) and its export derivative RVV-AE (Izdeliye 190). A phased modernization of this weapon, designated the K-77-1 (Izdeliye 170-1), is now being tested. In addition, the K-77M (Izdeliye 180) missile is currently under development as a second step in the R-77's modernization. The most visible change in the Izdeliye 180's external appearance compared to the R-77/RVV-AE is replacement of its latticework fins by more common flat aerodynamic control planes. This reduces aerodynamic drag and cuts down on the radar cross-section. The missile will be fitted with a modernized active radar seeker and new double pulse solid-propellant engine. Its maximum range will be 2-3.5 times more than the Izdeliye 170 (R-77) missile, depending on the launch altitude. The Izdeliye 180 is expected to be better than the AMRAAM AIM-120C7 missile, and equal to its successor versions, with a service-ready date targeted for 2010.

A future medium-range air-to-air missile as a follow-on to the Izdeliye 180 also is in development, but no additional information has yet to be released about this weapon.

Russia is the only country developing ultra-long range air-to-air missiles able of reach targets at distances of up to 400 km. Two such missiles are competing to be a basic weapon on the PAK FA fighter: the Izdeliye 172 (K-100) from Novator, and the Izdeliye 810 from Vympel.

All air-to-air weapons on the PAK FA (including the largest Izdeliye 172 missile) are designed to be carried in the aircraft's internal weapons bay. To allow these weapons to be deployed from the internal bay, Vympel is designing two types of ejection release units capable of carrying 300 kg and 700 kg loads.

The PAK FA also is expected to carry its basic complement of air-to-ground weapons internally. These include the modernized Kh-58Ush long-range anti-radiation missile, the newly-developed Kh-36 short-range anti-radiation missile, the new short-range electro-optical Kh-38 missile, as well as the UAB-250 and KAB-500M guided bombs. Heavier weapon types will be carried on the aircraft's external pylons.

Citat:RVV-MD – is a new Russian short-range AAM. The abbreviation means in Russian literally 'a missile air-to-air of the short range'. It was presented first time this summer in MAKS-2009 Air Show in Zhukovsky, near Moscow. It's intended for high-maneuverable combat and can hit both fixed-wing and rotor-wing aircrafts from any direction at day or night and despite heavy jamming. Its maximal range is 40 km (R-73E has 30 km). IR sensor is 2-color, +-60 deg angle of seeking (R-73E has +-45 deg) . The maneuver control is aero- and gas-dynamical. The maximal AoA of this missiles is significantly higher than of R-73E. It can hit targets maneuvering with 12 G. Besides MiG-29/35 and Su-27/30/35 families the missile can equip Su-25 , Yak-130, helos and other different planes.


  • Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 4178

Šta mislite o pulsnom raketnom motoru?Da li bi mogao da zameni ramjet?


  • Pridružio: 27 Jul 2006
  • Poruke: 2084

mean_machine ::Evo specifikacije same rakete:

R-73M2 barem prema specifikacijama.

Зезнули су се око домета, помешали су податке за максимални и минимални:
Citat:Launch Range:
- max, at the front hemisphere, km – 0.3
- min, at the aft hemisphere, km – up to 40

  • Pridružio: 19 Avg 2010
  • Poruke: 1361
  • Gde živiš: NIŠ

machak ::Зезнули су се око домета, помешали су податке за максимални и минимални:

Такав је податак на још 5 адреса на интерету, као да су копирали исти, погрешни извор.

Међутим, мене буни та максимална даљина од 40 Км, за овако малу ракету, да није и ту нека грешка?

  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
  • Poruke: 23404
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Raketa i nije bas mala, dugacka je skoro 3 m a teza je od npr. AIM-9 za 20 kg i ima za 43 mm veci precnik.

  • Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 4178

Rafael planira da u buduče rakete V-V stavi kombinovane EO/RF tragače slične onom koji koristi Stunner raketa:

Rafael eyes 'dolphin head' nose design for air-to-air missiles


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