Rakete V-V


Rakete V-V

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31481

Testiranja Meteora

Citat: Three electronic protection measures firings conducted at the Aberporth test range off the west Wales coast earlier this year from Panavia Tornado F2 trials aircraft resulted in direct hits on Selex Galileo Mirach target drones, Bradford says, despite their use of jamming equipment and chaff.

Na Gripenu su radjena delom testiranja jer je najmanji i najjeftiniji ali kako ovako kasno na Rafal ?

Citat:The BVRAAM weapon is likely to enter operational use with Swedish air force Saab Gripens in 2014-2015, UK Royal Air Force Eurofighter Typhoons in 2015-2016 and French air force and navy Dassault Rafale fighters from 2018.

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Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 28 Okt 2007
  • Poruke: 840

gavrilon ::Ovako je to izgledalo 1998 godine.

R-60MK - 205 raketa (popunjenost u odnosu na potrebe 36%)

R-73E - 150 raketa (41%)

R-27R - 65 raketa (18%)

Napomena: Nisam bas siguran da li se broj raketa ( mislim na R-60) odnosi samo na 204 LAP ili i na 83-ci LAP takodje.

Izvor: Bojan B. Dimitrijević: Jugoslovensko ratno vazduhoplovstvo pred rat sa NATO 1999., Istorija 20. veka, 1/2010

Da li mozda znas koje godine je R-60 uvedena kod nas u naorzanje, odnosno koje godine su stigle prve isporuke te rakete?

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16173
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

Počinje serijska proizvodnja Meteor v-v raketa.

Citat:MBDA je zadovoljan s rezultatima nedavno završenih testiranja projektila Meteor Beyond Visual BVRAAM), te će isporučiti prve projektile sa proizvodne linije do kraja godine, kaže Andy Bradford, glavni inženjer i voditelj projekta. Tri opaljenja, na području Aberportha uz zapadnu obalu Walesa, iz Panavia Tornado F2 zrakoplova rezultirala su izravnim pogocima na Selex Galileo Mirach bespilotnu letjelicu unatoč elektronskom ometanju i mamcima.

Sve u svemu, 21 raketa Meteor opremljena telemetrijskom opremom ispaljena je tijekom razvoja i testiranja za kupce u Velikoj Britaniji i partnerima u Francuskoj, Njemačkoj, Italiji, Španjolskoj i Švedskoj.

"Testiranja su nam dala vrlo dobre rezultate i dobre performanse," rekao je Bradford i dodao: "Meteor čini ono za što je i namjenjen".

Vir: defender.hr

  • Pridružio: 07 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 736

Ako ovo gore znači da su ispalili svega 21 raketu tijekom cijelog ispitivanja, i letnih karakteristika i podsustava i preciznosti - to je strahovito mala brojka. Teško da su onda više od nekoliko ispaljivanja utrošili na realno ispitivanje ubojitosti rakete, a tako mali uzorak nije dovoljan za gotovo ništa.

Jasno mi je da rakete koštaju i da testiranja košta, ali morali bi si moći priuštiti 100-200 raketa za testiranje, povrh 2+ milijardi dolara ukupnog troška.

Najgore od svega je da je to vjerojatno standard - da se i ostali projekti raketa po svijetu slično ispituju. Pa će opet biti 80-90% uspješnosti pogodaka na testiranju, a u realnom okruženju će to biti 50% protiv 20 godina starijeg protivnika odnosno 25% protiv tehnološki ravnopravnog protivnika.

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16173
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

Nije to sve to su samo zaključni testovi i sasvim su dovoljni ako su sve rakete radile bezprekorno i u očekivanim rezultatima.

  • 1199 
  • Počasni građanin
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 843

vjerovatno su prosle i proces "postarivanja" (umjetno izazvano ubrzano starenje materijala), pa tek onda isprobane. Simulacija recimo 10 godina lezanja u skladistu, montiranje i test

  • član biblioteke
  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 28854
  • Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda

Pošto se Meteor većim delom oslanja na dostignute tehnologije unutar MBDA, nije bilo potrebe za cifrom od 100+ raketa. Trebalo je do savršenstva dovesti rad nabojno-mlaznog motora, a to se može i u zemaljskim ispitivanjima u posebnim komorama za obezbeđivanje različitih uslova rada. Verifikacija u vazduhu je sada samo trešnja na šlagu, a ne mukotrpno nalaženje nedostataka rakete kao ranije.

  • Pridružio: 30 Jun 2007
  • Poruke: 6292
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad, severoistočna Srbija

Citat:Rocket motor mystery continues to halt AMRAAM deliveries

Robert Hewson Jane's Air-Launched Weapons Editor

Raytheon Missile Systems has not delivered an AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) in nearly two years because of an unexplained flaw in the missile's solid rocket motor.

The motors, supplied by ATK, have suffered mass failures when subjected to routine cold temperature tests. The issue has surprised and baffled ATK and Raytheon because the formulation and materials used to produce the rocket propellant fill have not changed - and have been in production, without incident, for more than 30 years. However, by late 2009 reliability problems had emerged with the ATK motors and now Raytheon says it has a stock of around 800 missiles that cannot be delivered. The US Depertment of Defense (DoD) has suspended payments to Raytheon until the rocket issues are solved and Raytheon admits that a final, reliable solution has yet to be found.

ATK's motors are failing a specific 'cold soak' test where the rockets are frozen to -65 degrees F (-54 degrees C) and then fired to prove they remain functional after carriage at high altitudes. ATK supplies motors in batches of 48 and the US practice is to test nine random examples from each batch. If those nine firings are successful the batch is approved but, without warning, motors have begun to consistently malfunction. Extensive analysis has yet to find a reason why.

"There is still no smoking gun," said Harry Schulte, Raytheon Missile System's Vice President for Air Warfare Systems. "We have been using the same formulation since the 1980s and our belief is that something has changed in the materials, but we can't prove it. You can't tell if a motor is good or not unless you fire it. X-rays, slicing-and-dicing the propellant - that's all no use. We thought we had a solution to this back in April. We fired 10 and they were OK. We 'poured' in May [ie the rocket motor casings were filled with propellant], but the second one we tested failed, so we rejected the lot [48 motors] and went back to the drawing board. We will pour again this month and we'll know by August if it has worked out. But I was optimistic the problem had been solved last Spring and that didn't work out, so I don't know what to say.

"There have been no sustained deliveries for well over a year," added Schulte, "and none at all so far in 2012. I have unhappy domestic and international customers and the seriousness of this issue for us goes all the way up to CEO level. I have between 700 and 800 guidance and control units all in storage and I could match up 200 missiles in a month if only I had the motors."

In April 2010 Raytheon announced it had begun qualifying an alternative solid rocket motor for the AIM-120 family with Norway's Nammo Raufoss and that Nammo would become a second source of supply alongside ATK in the US. At the time the emerging problems with the ATK motors were only hinted at by the company, but betting on Nammo has proved to be a good move.

"We accepted our first batch of 15 motors from Nammo last month," said Schulte, "and by the end of the year we hope to have received 400 from Norway. Right now Nammo only does 27 motors in each batch, but we hope they'll be up to 100 a month by the end of 2012. Every -65 degrees F firing they have done has been good - but we need two healthy suppliers. The US would be reluctant to have one supplier that was a foreign supplier."

Raytheon has confirmed that the first operational test (OT) firings of its latest AIM-120D AMRAAM variant ended in failure when the missile suffered a control actuator failure and flew out of control. The test launch, on 10 July, was the first in a planned 15-month OT period that follows on from AIM-120D development testing (DT). About 15 missiles were fired during DT, notes Raytheon. The AIM-120D is an improved version of the AMRAAM that incorporates GPS-aided navigation, a two-way datalink, revised guidance software and enhanced electronic counter-countermeasures.

Official specifications note that the AIM-120D's range has doubled over earlier versions without providing any specific figures. The missile's development has been troubled with technical hitches and funding problems, causing significant delays to the programme.

  • član biblioteke
  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 28854
  • Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda

PL-7 sa oznakom otkazanog projekta PL-6. Ima li neko neku informaciju o tome?

  • Pridružio: 30 Jun 2007
  • Poruke: 6292
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad, severoistočna Srbija

РВ Тајвана повукло у резерву све ракете AIM-7 Sparrow. Проблеми са ракетним моторима као и на ракетама AMRAAM.

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