Poslao: 06 Mar 2014 20:00
- Mercury
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Jul 2008
- Poruke: 10398
aramis s ::Vek na avionu se realnije meri časovima naleta.
Mislis na to koliko je dugo bila okacena na nosacu?
Recimo da je stalno okacena na avionu u dezurnom paru, resurs ce joj isteci posle godinu dana.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 06 Mar 2014 20:19
- aramis s
- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
- Poruke: 28802
- Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda
Ako je na avionu koji leti, mislim da posle 100 h mora na remont, a tih sto sati se negde naleti i za pola godine pa i manje. Drugo, nije isto dežurstvo u hangaru ili skloništu i na otvorenom.
Poslao: 07 Mar 2014 06:47
- zixo
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 23387
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Mercury ::Koliko se secam, mislim da je neko na forumu pominjao, resurs R-27R je oko 10 godina, a kad se stavi na avion onda traje oko godinu dana.
Да ли се мисли да она годину дана буде окачена на авиону или?
Poslao: 07 Mar 2014 09:27
- Mercury
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Jul 2008
- Poruke: 10398
zixo ::Mercury ::Koliko se secam, mislim da je neko na forumu pominjao, resurs R-27R je oko 10 godina, a kad se stavi na avion onda traje oko godinu dana.
Да ли се мисли да она годину дана буде окачена на авиону или?
Recimo da je stalno okacena na avionu u dezurnom paru, resurs ce joj isteci posle godinu dana.
Poslao: 07 Mar 2014 10:28
- zixo
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 23387
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Да одемо мало ''у ситна цревца''.
Нереално је да она константно буде на авиону годину дана. С времена на време та ракета ће се скидати са авиона.
Да ли онда постоје нека правила колико се скраћује век употребе када је на авиону? Затим када авион са ракетама врши одређене маневре такође би додатно требао да се смањуја животни век ракета?
Poslao: 07 Mar 2014 10:33
- Mercury
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Jul 2008
- Poruke: 10398
Svakako da je nerealno da raketa stoji avionu tako dug period.Ovo sam pomenuo da bi imali neki okviran uvid u to koliko puta se resurs brze potrosi kad je raketa na nosacu, u odnosu na propisani resurs od oko 10 godina koji verovatno podrazumeva da raketa bude uskladistena u nekom sanduku.
Zixo citam ova tvoja pitanja i siguran sam da je neko o tome pisao na forumu, bas je pominjano i skracenje resursa usled manevrisanja.
Poslao: 12 Apr 2014 20:23
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24208
Malo interesantnih podataka u vezi rakete srednjeg dometa R-77 ( u VVS oznaka R-77-1 )
Citat:Работы по Р-77 началось в 1982 году.Ракета поставляется в полностью собранном состоянии. Пуск ракет обеспечивается с рельсовых АПУ-170 и катапультных АКУ-170. Начиная с мая 1984 г. ракета проходила летные испытания в составе вооружения самолета МиГ-29 ╕ 919. В 1984 г. новую ракету запустили в серийное производство. Государственные испытания завершились в 1991 г., а 23 февраля 1994 г. ракету официально приняли на вооружение.
A trial launch of an AA-12 (R-77) missile from a MiG-29 'Fulcrum' in 1984
6 raketa na MiG-29 izd. 9-14, probno lansiranje
Probno lansiranje sa Su-27UB
Detalj po kojem je lako prepoznatljiva
Jos nesto interesantno a u vezi sa razvojem i proizvodnjom
Citat:AA-12 'Adder' is the NATO designation for this latest generation Russian air-to-air missile, first seen in Minsk in February 1992. The aviation press quickly dubbed it 'AMRAAMSKI' because, as an active radar BVR missile, it was similar in function to the US AIM-120 AMRAAM. The Russian manufacturer's designation is RVV-AE (anglicised to AAM-AE) with the Air Force service designation R-77. It is believed that work on the K-77 development programme began in 1982 leading to the start of initial series production by 1995. The R-77 was produced by the same team of designers that developed the R-24 (AA-7 'Apex'), which a different team to that behind the R-27 (AA-10 'Alamo').
The most noteworthy feature of the R-77 design is the design of its four pop-out tail fins, that use a lattice construction similar to that found on the SS-21 'Scarab' and SS-23 'Spider' short-range ballistic missiles. Obvious the fins on the R-77 are much smaller and lighter. This design approach gives several advantages: lighter weight; less flow separation at high angles of attack; a greater aerodynamic moment force; and probably require less actuator power and movement. The R-77 has been designed to attack aircraft, helicopters and cruise missiles manoeuvring at up to 9 g. It is believed that the original AA-12 missile design was developed by the Molniya OKB in Ukraine, (also responsible for the earlier R-60 and R-73 missile designs). Flight tests started in 1984 and as many as 200 missiles (but perhaps far fewer) were built in the Ukraine up until 1994. Following the break-up of the former Soviet Union, the Russian Air Force decided that manufacture of the missile would be transferred to Vympel NPO in Moscow, and it is thought that initial production and further development started with Vympel from 1993.
Citat:Operational status
It is believed that the R-77 (AA-12 'Adder') started development in 1982, with the first flight test in 1984, and with development completed by the mid-1990s. A small number of missiles, believed to be around 200, were built in the Ukraine between 1984 and 1994. These were used for the Russian Air Force's initial operational evaluation, which used around 100 missiles and was completed in 1996. Further missiles were probably used for export sales demonstrators up to around 1999. Manufacture and further development was transferred to Vympel NPO in Russia in 1993, and the first new evaluation missiles started to be delivered from 1998. The R-77 is not yet in operational service with the Russian Air Force, although some pre-production missiles have been used for evaluation and aircraft clearance trials in Russia. It is expected that a Russian Air Force order would be for the improved R-77M version. The missile has been offered for export since 1992, as the R-77E. Malaysia received a small number of Ukrainian-built missiles for evaluation in 1996, and these were fitted to MiG-29N aircraft. Confirmation of a production order by Malaysia for the Russian-built version has not been made public. China is believed to have ordered an initial batch of 100 missiles for evaluation with its Su-30MKK aircraft. Since then, China has gone on to acquire the R-77 in significant numbers and conducted the first in-country trials launch in mid-2002. The R-77 is in service with India where it equips IAF MiG-29s, Su-30Mkis and the upgraded MiG-21UPG. Peru acquired an unspecified number of R-77s to equip its small force of three MiG-29SEs, purchased from Russia in 1998. Reports in 2000 stated that Peru ordered 30 missiles for evaluation, but it is believed only 12 live weapons and two training rounds (plus just six missile launch rails) were delivered. Jane's sources state that the Peruvian Air Force is unable to field any operational weapons because of a Russian refusal to supply essential spares for the missile's OKA ground calibration equipment. Russia is refusing to support Peru's MiG-29 force in general, because its 'Fulcrum-A' aircraft were acquired from Belarus and not from an 'officially sanctioned' source.
Tekst nastao pre tacno 10 godina ,raketu R-77-1 slabo ili nikako vidjamo na borbenim avionima VVS
Poslao: 13 Apr 2014 14:37
- Pridružio: 10 Okt 2010
- Poruke: 151
ray ban11 ::
Tekst nastao pre tacno 10 godina ,raketu R-77-1 slabo ili nikako vidjamo na borbenim avionima VVS
Pokušao sam da nađem neki članak, koji govori o upotrebi ovih raketa u VVS (u smislu broja raketa kojima VVS raspolaže, ili bar okvirne procene), a da je napisan, bar u zadnjie tri godine, međutim nisam uspeo.
Dobro, cenim da ti podaci i nisu javno dostupni, ali me čudi da niko nije pokušao da napravi bar procenu. Da li postoji neki takav izvor?