Po odluci vodece nacije, do 1500 ljudi. Ova nasa je sad Grcka, Bugarska, Rumunija, Kipar, Ukrajina i Srbija. Ima ih 15, uvek na dezurstvu dve.
Citat:They are based on a combined-arm, battalion-sized force, reinforced with combat-support and combat service-support elements. In their generic composition, but depending on the mission, Battlegroups are about 1 500 personnel strong depending on lead nation’s decision.
The EUBG is to be deployed in a distance of 6.000 km from Brussels. It is to be capable of achieving initial operational capability in theatre within 10 days after decision of the European Council has been taken to launch the operation.
It must be capable of operating as stand-alone force for up to 30 days with a possible extension to a maximum of 120 days duration from Initial Operation Capability onwards.
Verovatno je dogovoreno ko sta daje. Ukrajinci kada su se prikljucili su dali cetu desantnjika i IL-76...