NATO - juče, danas i sutra


NATO - juče, danas i sutra

  • VJ 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2014
  • Poruke: 18743

Citat:Šią savaitę Gedimino štabo bataliono #NPPKT kariai praleido Pabradės poligone - dalyvavo skyrių vertinamosiose lauko taktikos pratybose. Tiek NPPKT, tiek PKT kariai, retai mūsų šalyje apsilankančią žiemą išnaudojo tikslingai ir paskutinę pratybų dieną atliko šuolius į eketę.
Šio išbandymo tikslas yra paruošti karį efektyviai veikti patekus į ekstremalią situaciją, na, šiuo atveju - įlūžus ledui. Patekęs į ledinį vandenį karys patiria termošoką, organizme išsiskiria didelis adrenalino kiekis, o pasidavęs panikai ir siekdamas išsigelbėti karys gali labai greitai išnaudoti visas jėgas, tad vienas svarbiausių dalykų įlūžus - giliai įkvėpti, nusiraminti ir įvertinti situaciją.
GŠB žvalgai taip pat primena, jog įlūžus reikia bandyti išlipti į tą pusę, iš kurios atėjote. Elementaru, jei toje pusėje ledas jus išlaikė, vadinasi, ten yra saugiau. Taip pat įlūžus labai svarbu nuo savęs nusimesti viską, kas gali trukdyti jums išlipti. Каs be ko, kariui svarbu išsaugoti ginklą!
Būkite atsargūs!

Citat:Baigėsi įdomus tarnybos etapas Dragūnų batalione - kariai treniravosi įvaldyti savo specialybei priskirtus ginklus, paklusnūs tapo granatsvaidžiai, kulkosvaidžiai, minosvaidžiai, taikliojo šaulio ginklai. Sekantis tarnybos etapas - visų šių pajėgumų sudėjimas atgal į vieną padalinį ir treniravimasis veikti drauge.

Bendro Baltijos šalių karinio vieneto #BALTFOR, priklausančio #NATO atsakomosioms pajėgoms kulminacinės pratybos #WinterShield yra skirtos mokyti ir pagerinti dalinių kovinius pajėgumus, ginkluotųjų pajėgų tarpusavio bendradarbiavimą bei gebėjimą vykdyti bendras Baltijos šalių apsaugos užduotis.

Citat:Rimtos karinės pratybos, kurias dėl palankių oro sąlygų galėjote matyti ir jūs. Šiandien mūsų oro erdvėje praskrido Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų strateginis bombonešis B-1B. Jį lydėjo du NATO oro policijos misiją atliekantys Italijos „Eurofighter Typhoon" naikintuvai.
Ir džiugu tai, kad skrydį koordinavo Lietuvos ir JAV Specialiųjų operacijų pajėgų Jungtinės paramos ugnimi valdymo specialistai.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • VJ 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2014
  • Poruke: 18743

Citat:NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Latvia
is an example of a great power of unity of soldiers from 10 countries supported by their nations and families 🇦🇱🇨🇿🇮🇹🇮🇸🇨🇦🇲🇪🇵🇱🇸🇰🇸🇮🇪🇸
Dedicated commitment of #eFP showing excellent performance and great tactical skills is truly valued by the society of Latvia🇱🇻, leadership of our country and me personally. There is just one task - to defend our countries and democratic values.

Citat:Ar augsti kvalitatīvu un jaudīgu militāro vingrinājumu Ādažu poligonā noslēgusies Baltijas bataljona 🇱🇻🇱🇹🇪🇪 kaujas dežūra #NATO ātrās reaģēšanas spēkos.

  • VJ 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2014
  • Poruke: 18743

Citat:U.S. Special Operations Soldiers, assigned to 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne), U.S. Special Operations Command Europe, conduct a live fire training exercise at the Panzer Range Complex, Boeblingen, Germany, January 13 2021. Live-fire training enables unit readiness and proficiency within the European area of operations.

Citat:#Greek DYK, #Cypriot UDT, and U.S. Navy #SWCC conducted a maritime exercise in Souda Bay, Greece to strengthen cooperation and combined capabilities. The Πολεμικό Ναυτικό - Hellenic Navy
's HS Kanaris & CCAs assigned to #SOCAF enhanced the SOCEUR training to better enable global operations. #SOFinEurope

  • VJ 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2014
  • Poruke: 18743

Citat:Zamenik premijera Bugarske Krasimir Karakačanov svojom čestitkom za 8. mart izazvao je bes u regionu.

Na pozadini čestitke koju je objavio u ime svoje stranke VMRO-BND, pored figure žene sa detetom i reči "tradicija, porodica, vrednosti", jasno se vidi i mapa velike Bugarske. Prema toj karti u sklopu države Bugarske nalazi se cela Severna Makedonija, delovi Grčke, ali i srpski gradovi Niš i Vranje.

  • VJ 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2014
  • Poruke: 18743

Citat:Is this the end of the winter in 🇱🇹? Ice and snow are slowly receding in, but the 🇩🇪 Leopards and Marders of the #EFP BG 🇱🇹 still have to adjust to winter conditions on the training grounds. For their crews, this always presents special challenges.

Citat:Despite the first signs of spring in 🇱🇹, the snow is still there - ideal conditions for the 🇳🇴 armoured infantry of the #EFP BG 🇱🇹. Together with their CV 90 armoured personnel carrier, they show once again that they can be relied on in all conditions.

Citat:In the forests of Lithuania, the snow leopards are loose: How the 🇳🇴 crews of the #EFP BG 🇱🇹 "hide" their Leopard 2A4 battle tanks is unique. Weighing around 60t, they literally blend into the surroundings. Absolutely difficult to spot for any opponent.

Citat:After almost a week in difficult climatic conditions in PABRADE, the 🇧🇶🇳🇴🇩🇪 armored vehicles, their crews and all the multinational staff necessary for such a mission are back in RUKLA.
During VIGILANT LEOPARD, the #eFP troops trained all the operational aspects from preparation to shooting including logistic and maintenance.

Citat:VIGILANT LEOPARD starts in Pabrade. During the last defensive exercise in 2020, the crews of the German and Norwegian Leopards and the 🇳🇱, 🇳🇴 and 🇩🇪 mechanized Infantry once again demonstrate their skills in a challenging shooting at battalion level. #WeAreNATO and #TogetherStrong are not just empty phrases - they are the guarantee for our mutual success.

  • VJ 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2014
  • Poruke: 18743

Citat:During Exercise WOLVERINE STRIKE, Italian Armed Forces demonstrate their soldier skills.

Citat:0 NATO nations on the battlefield, training together as one.
Soldiers on Exercise WOLVERINE STRIKE are showing that the multi-national Enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Latvia is a highly capable, flexible, and interoperable formation that can respond immediately to a range of threats.

Citat:The contingent from Albania held their Transfer of Authority (TOA) in Camp Ādaži today. Welcome to the mission!

  • VJ 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2014
  • Poruke: 18743

Citat:Challenger tankid tegid katet, sel ajal kui The Queen's Royal Hussarid (kuninganna husaarid) ja Kaitseliidu võitlejad osalesid keerulisel taktikaharjutusel.
The Queen's Royal Hussarid viisid läbi hoonetes võitlemise demonstratsiooni ja tutvustasid Eesti vabatahtlikele, kuidas viia läbi efektiivseid lahingudrille.

Citat:Alert Exercise 4: Ready to fight
Even over the holidays the eFP Battlegroup is ready to go at a moment’s notice. Just hours after waking up troops are dug in and ready to defend and manoeuvre to maintain the advantage against oncoming position forces.

  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2012
  • Poruke: 9255
  • Gde živiš: pecina stroga

Pocinju masivni NATO manevri oko Srbije.

Pod imenom DEFENDER - Europe 21, ukupno 28,000 ucesnika izvodice simultane vjezbe na teritoriji NATO, uglavnom u okruzenju Srbije. Vjezbe ce kulminirati simultanim bojevim gadjanjima na 12 lokacija u maju.

Kuriozitet - ucestvuju i Jermeni

Citat: 28,000 total participants
 2,100 National Guard Soldiers from 5 U.S. states participating:
1. Alabama
2. Florida
3. Ohio
4. Tennessee
5. West Virginia
 1,000 pieces of equipment being drawn from Army Preposition Stock sites in 3 countries:
1. Germany 2. Italy 3. Netherlands
 800 Army Reserve participants
 31 Training areas conducting near-simultaneous live fires in 12 countries
1. Albania
2. Bosnia and
3. Bulgaria
4. Croatia

5. Estonia
6. Germany
7. Greece
8. Hungary
9. Italy
10. Kosovo
11. North Macedonia
12. Romania

 27 countries participating in exercise activities:
1. Albania
2. Armenia
3. Bosnia and
4. Bulgaria
5. Canada
6. Croatia
7. Estonia
8. Georgia
9. Germany
10. Greece
11. Hungary
12. Italy
13. Kosovo
14. Latvia
15. Lithuania
16. Moldova
17. Montenegro
18. The Netherlands
19. North Macedonia
20. Poland
21. Romania
22. Slovenia
23. Spain
24. Turkey
25. Ukraine
26. United Kingdom
27. United States
16 nations hosting exercise related activities:
1. Albania
2. Bosnia and
3. Bulgaria
4. Croatia

5. Estonia
6. Germany
7. Greece
8. Hungary
9. Italy
10. Kosovo
11. Lithuania
12. Montenegro
13. Netherlands
14. North Macedonia
15. Romania

16. Slovenia
 12 country’s airports receiving equipment and personnel from the U.S.:
1. Albania
2. Bulgaria
3. Croatia
4. Estonia
5. Germany
6. Greece
7. Hungary
8. Italy
9. Lithuania
10. North Macedonia
11. Romania
12. Slovenia
 5 countries’ ports used to send/receive more than 1,200 pieces of equipment to/from the U.S.:
1. Albania
2. Croatia
3. Germany
4. Greece
5. Slovenia
 5 logistics centers established in:
1. Albania
2. Croatia
3. Greece
4. Montenegro
5. Slovenia
 1 Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore operation in Albania
 1 Hospital exercise, including a joint theater medical evacuation in Hungary

Citat:Timeline of DEFENDER-Europe 21:

 March - equipment and personnel from the United States will begin moving to Europe.

 April - Army Prepositioned Stocks will be drawn from sites in Germany, Italy and the Netherlands; then moved to various training areas via convoy, rail, line haul or barge. This phase of the exercise will demonstrate U.S. Army Europe and Africa’s ability to maintain a deterrent posture in northern Europe while concurrently shifting forces to other areas of the theater.

 May - The bulk of activities will occur with training events across more than 30 training areas in 12 countries and encompassing several linked and associated exercises:
o Immediate Response - more than 5,000 troops from 11 countries will spread out across 31
training areas to conduct live fires. A Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore operation will also occur.
o Saber Guardian - more than 13,000 service members from 19 countries will conduct live fires
and air and missile defense operations, plus a large scale medical evacuation.
o Swift Response – will include airborne operations in Estonia, Bulgaria and Romania involving
more than 7,000 troops from 11 countries.
o African Lion - nearly 5,000 military personnel train on medical readiness, perform large-scale
live-fire exercises and conduct air, maritime and forward command post training exercises.
o Steadfast Defender - a new series of NATO exercises focused on the transatlantic reinforcement
of Europe and demonstrates NATO’s capability to respond rapidly to the full spectrum of threats.

 June - a Command Post Exercise involving approximately 2,000 personnel to demonstrate the
headquarters’ ability to command multinational land forces in a joint and combined training
environment while maintaining real-world operations across 104 countries on two continents.

DEFENDER-Europe 21 will conclude with the redeployment of U.S.-based forces and equipment. U.S.
service members will clear the training areas, return prepositioned stocks, move to ports and return to home stations – fulfilling the U.S. military’s commitment to the NATO agreements.

  • VJ 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2014
  • Poruke: 18743

Citat:7’nci Komando Tugayı Tank Tabur Görev Kuvveti K.lığınca; Sakarya Taşkısığı Kışlasında, “Tank Avcılarına Karşı Tankın Korunması ve Tank Piyade İş Birliği Eğitimi” başarıyla icra edildi.

Citat:Ankara’nın Şereflikoçhisar ilçesinde konuşlu Kara Kuvvetleri Tatbikat Merkez Komutanlığımızın tank birlikleri, tanklarla atış eğitimleri icra etti.

Citat:57’nci Topçu Tugay Komutanlığı ve 19’uncu Motorlu Piyade Tugay Komutanlığından 20-35 mm’lik Oerlikon Hava Savunma Topları ve KMS-Zıpkın mürettebatının katılımıyla, Hava Savunma Silahları ile kara hedeflerine atışlar icra edildi.

Citat:TCG GELİBOLU fırkateynimiz ve TCG YILDIZ hücumbotumuz ile İspanya Deniz Kuvvetleri fırkateyni ESPS MENDEZ NUNEZ Ege Denizi’nde geçiş eğitimleri icra etti.

Citat:Asil milletimizin hak ve menfaatleri için her iki mavi arasında korkusuzca ve fedakârca görev yapan, Mavi Vatan 2021 Tatbikatı ile bizleri gururlandıran tüm kahraman personelimize selam olsun.

  • boksi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 7836

Zanimljivo vežba traje isto koliko je trajalo bombardovanje SRJ 1999 od marta do juna..

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