Poslao: 27 Okt 2006 07:37
- Pridružio: 21 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 185
A sta li je sa onim Trecim ...?
Ne rece li B.Klinton pre desetak godina ".... da mu ne pada na pamet da uvodi sankcije Kini , zemlji koja ce za petnaestak-dvadeset godina da bude vodeca sila u ovome svetu..."
U nekim ratnim igricama u Pentagonu i to je realnost .
Preovladava li , vec , tzv. "zuta rasa" ?
Kako ono bese : " Dok se dvoje svadjaju , treci ..." .
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 27 Okt 2006 10:32
- SpelingMistakes

- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 22 Jul 2006
- Poruke: 942
- Gde živiš: SekiLand
Country: Russian Federation
Alternate Name: Bulava
Class: SLBM
Basing: Submarine launched
Propulsion: 3-stage solid
Range: 10,000 km
Status: Development
Russian Designation: Bulava
The Russian SS-NX-30, or Bulava, is an intercontinental-range, submarine launched, solid propellant ballistic missile. It is a submarine launched version of the SS-27, which represents the pinnacle of ballistic missile technology and is currently under development. The SS-27 was developed shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union and is the first completely Russian missile design.
Yuriy Solomonov, director of the Moscow Institute of Heat Technology and designer-general of the Topol family of missiles, has stated that the SS-27 will be the foundation of the Russian strategic nuclear arsenal by 2015. In the same way, the SS-NX-30 will doubtlessly be the foundation of the submarine-launched ballistic missile force.
Current Russian accounts often portrary the SS-27 and the SS-NX-30 as being invulnerable to modern anti-ballistic missile defenses. This may be true of the sort of ground-based, midcourse, kinetic-kill interceptors such as those currently being deployed in Alaska and Hawaii, but it would be an exaggeration to say that ballistic missiles are invulnerable to interception during their boost phase.
The SS-27 missile is said to be capable of making evasive maneuvers during its flight and as it approaches the target, enabling it to evade terminal phase interceptors. It almost certainly also carries midcourse-deployable countermeasures and decoys to increase the chances of its success. The warhead has also been reported as being shielded against radiation, electromagnetic interference and physical disturbance. Previous missiles could be disabled by detonating a nuclear warhead within ten kilometers (6 miles); shielding could require a closer range. However, the SS-27 is designed to be able to withstand nuclear blasts as close as 500 meters. While the boost phase remains the most vulnerable time for the SS-27, it is also the case that land-based boost phase interceptors would have little chance of reaching the missile in time without being based on Russian territory. Space-based boost phase interception remains the best alternative. The SS-27 is also said to be designed to be resistant to attack by a space-based laser.
The SS-27 can strike any target within the continental United States and the placement of SS-NX-30 missiles would enable worldwide deployment. The placement of such advanced missiles on modern submarines would make it nearly impossible to successfully prevent a missile launch, while current ABM technology is insufficient to prevent its successful impact. As a solid propellant design, it can be maintained on alert for prolonged periods of time and can launch within minutes of being given the order. Its confirmed single 550 kT warhead is sufficient for the depopulation of cities, which combined with its survivability, makes it an ideal retaliatory weapon. The SS-27 and the SS-NX-30 enables Russia to guarantee a successful nuclear response.
The SS-27 and the SS-NX-30 also have considerable utility as a first strike weapon. A successful first strike hinges upon the destruction of the enemy nuclear force, and these missiles should be capable of this task. Though the reported accuracy is insufficient for this, current guidance technology could easily be used to develop this capacity. The accuracy of 350 m CEP reported is strangely low given previous US and Russian missile designs with considerably higher accuracy. With a higher accuracy, the single warhead load would be easily sufficient to destroy a missile silo, but the placement of Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicles (MIRVs) would allow for the destruction of entire missile groups. The SS-27 design is easily compatible for MIRVs, though it likely must sacrifice some of its ability to penetrate ABM defense systems. Solomonov has stated openly that the TEL launched SS-27 will carry four to six warheads along with decoys, which implies the same capability for the submarine-launched version.
The SS-NX-30 is identical to the SS-27 except for a slight decrease in range resulting from the conversion for submarine launch. It has a range of 10,000 km (6,214 miles) and is reported to be equipped with a 550 kT yield nuclear warheads. It is reported that up to six MIRVs can be placed at the cost of removing warhead shielding and decoys, reducing its ability to penetrate ABM defenses. It uses a Post-Boost Vehicle (PBV) system to deploy its warhead(s) using a digital inertial navigation system with a GLOSNASS (equivalent to Global Position Satellite) receiver. This achieves a reported accuracy of 350 m CEP, but this accuracy is lower than is reasonable to believe, given modern guidance systems and previous US and Russian missiles. The SS-27 has a launch weight of 47,200 kg with a length of 21.9 m and a maximum width of 1.9 m. It uses a three-stage solid propellant engine.
The development of the SS-27 began in the late 1980s, though it was redesigned in 1992 as the first totally Russian designed and built missile. The development of the SS-NX-30, almost identical to the SS-27, was first reported in 2001. The SS-NX-30 is currently under development and is expected to enter test launches upon a converted type 941 Akula (‘Typhoon’) class nuclear submarine. The Bulava will be fitted aboard the ‘Borey’ class nuclear submarines, the first of which is expected to be commissioned in 2006. The first test launch is planned to take place by the end of 2004.
There is little risk of proliferation of SS-NX-30 technology by the Russians. Despite possible issues with the SS-27, few nations have missile submarines capable to deploying SS-NX-30 missiles. In addition, the spread of the technology would undermine the effectiveness of Russian ABM defenses and leave Russia vulnerable. However, there is the possibility for the technology to be stolen by China, the only other nation that might have the capability and need to integrate it.
Inace to sto lansiranje nije uspelo, ne pobija reference da je to sjajno oruzje. Prva lansiranja su uspela sto se vidi iz teksta ispod.
Second Launch of Russian Bulava Missile, From Submerged Position
December 21, 2005 :: News (Stara vest)
Russia today tested its Bulava (R-30/SS-NX-30) ballistic missile. The successful launch was only the second test of the Bulava system, the newest missile being developed by Russia. The missile was fired from the Dmitry Donskoy submarine of Russian navy’s Northern Fleet, from within the White Sea. In the previous test on September 27, the missile was fired while the submarine was at the surface. Today, however, the submarine was moving underwater at the time the missile was launched.
The missile’s payload traveled some 6,000km to its target at the Kura testing range on the Far Eastern Kamchatka peninsula. Interfax reported that twelve missiles will be based on each submarine. RTR television in Moscow reported that the solid fuel Bulava missile can “carry at least 10 nuclear MIRV warheads and its range is about 8,000 km.” RTR television also showed President Putin and Defense Minister Ivanov commenting on the test:
[Ivanov] We can now already talk boldly about all the design and engineering decisions that were put into this new missile system having vindicated themselves.
In 2006 we will continue flight tests in the various modes of this system and we are already firmly counting on the fact that this system - and also the new submarine that is being built, as you know, alongside this system - will be accepted to be with our fleet by 2008.
[Putin] This is a good present to the country from all of those who have worked on this subject matter for the New Year. I congratulate you, well done!
Ivanov was also quoted by RIA Novosti as emphasizing that, “What is important is that the submarine was moving [underwater], it was not stationary.” He noted that further Bulava testing would continue in 2006, and that “We are fairly certain that the [Bulava] missile system, and a new submarine to be equipped with it, will be deployed by our navy in 2008.”
RIA Novosti noted that Chief of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces Gen Nikolai Solovtsev recently declared Moscow’s plans to test-fire several nuclear-capable cruise missiles in 2006.
Poslao: 27 Okt 2006 12:01
- Pridružio: 27 Avg 2005
- Poruke: 159
Russian Missile Explodes After Test Launch
Dmitry Solovyov, Reuters
Oct 26, 2006 - 4:30:22 AM
Russia’s newest intercontinental ballistic missile, which military sources said was successfully tested on Oct. 25, actually fell into the sea several minutes into its flight, Russia’s navy said.
The failed test comes after the latest series of mishaps at Russia’s navy, once the focus of national pride and symbol of its military might.
Navy sources told local news agencies earlier on Oct. 25 that the Bulava missile had been launched from a nuclear submarine in the White Sea and flew nearly the length of the giant nation to the Kura military testing site in the Far East.
"Several minutes after the launch the missile veered off its planned trajectory. Apparently, its self-destruction system was enacted and the rocket fell into the sea," a navy spokesman told Reuters.
"A special commission, including Defence Ministry officials and Bulava designers, will conduct an investigation to find out what caused the failure."
Local news agencies quoted navy officials earlier as saying the Bulava missile had been successfully launched at 1705 Moscow time (1305 GMT) from the nuclear submarine Dmitry Donskoy.
"The test launch itself, made from a submerged position, went off without a hitch," the navy spokesman said. "The submarine’s crew coped with (this) task all right."
Bulava’s previous launch last month was a failure -- the rocket fired from a submarine in the Pacific fell into the sea.
Adding to the navy’s humiliation, a fire on a nuclear powered submarine killed two crew members the same month.
Bulava is a flagship project intended to be an equivalent to the U.S. Trident, according to Russian media.
Russia’s submarine fleet is the world’s second largest after the United States and is a key part in Russia’s defense shield.
Poslao: 23 Jan 2007 02:33
- Pridružio: 06 Mar 2005
- Poruke: 146
Rusija je juče oštro reagovala na najave iz SAD da su Češka i Poljska pristale da se na njihovoj teritoriji postavi američki protivraketni štit. „Ovaj štit bi lako mogao da se obije o glavu onim državama u kojima se nalazi. Čim počne izgradnja štita, on će se naći na nišanu Ruske armije, kao strateški cilj koji će biti prvi gađan u slučaju rata“, kaže general-pukovnik Jurij Balujevski, načelnik Generalštaba Ruske armije.
„Naše analize jasno pokazuju da razmeštanje radarskog sistema u Češkoj i protivraketne opreme u Poljskoj predstavlja pretnju. Diskutabilno je to da Amerika postavlja odbrambeni sistem u Istočnoj Evropi, koji je navodno odgovor na pretnju iz Irana i Severne Koreje“, kaže general-pukovnik Vladimir Popovkin, glavnokomandujući ruskih svemirskih snaga.
Zvanični Vašington tvrdi da je osnovna uloga štita da se na vreme otkriju i u svemiru unište interkontinentalni projektili iz „otpadničkih i terorističkih država“ kakve su Iran i Severna Koreja.
Dnevnik „Komsomolskaja pravda“ prenosi da je ruskim vojnim zvaničnicima jasno da će glavni cilj raketnog sistema kada bude postavljen biti „otkrivanje i praćenje meta“ na teritoriji Rusije.
„Amerika postavlja raketni štit u Češkoj i Poljskoj kako bi u slučaju eventualnog rata mogla da u kratkom roku posle lansiranja otkrije i uništi interkontinentalne balističke projektile iz Rusije“, smatra načelnik ruskog Generalštaba.
Danijel Rid, zamenik državnog sekretara SAD, istakao je posle ruskih protesta da će „antiraketni štit pojačati odbrambenu sposobnost Evrope od nuklearnog napada“ i da Rusija nema razloga da bude zabrinuta zbog toga.
„Verujemo da će izgradnja infrastrukture antiraketnog štita u Poljskoj i Češkoj znatno pojačati odbranu ujedinjene Evrope“, rekao je Rid za poljski list „Rečpospolita“.
U Češkoj će biti postavljen radarski, a u Poljskoj raketni sistem.
Zvaničnik američke ambasade u Varšavi Endru Šiling rekao je da su SAD „obavestile Poljsku o svom interesu da počnu formalne razgovore o postavljanju jedne komponente antiraketnog sistema na poljskoj teritoriji“.
Krajem prošle godine Sergej Ivanov, ministar odbrane Rusije, najavio je da će širenje pritivraketnog štita SAD u Istočnoj Evropi dovesti do promene strateškog balansa između Rusije i Zapada.
Rusija je prošle godine testirala projektile koji uz pomoć manevra uspešno zaobilaze svaku protivraketnu odbranu. Kako je saopštio predsednik Vladimir Putin, u pitanju je nova tehnologija protiv koje nema odbrane. Ovi balistički projektili, zahvaljujući novoj tehnologiji, imaju mogućnost manevra dok se kreću ka meti brzinom pet puta većom od brzine zvuka.
Ruski dnevnik „Komersant“ ističe da poslednja istraživanja javnog mnjenja pokazuju da se dve trećine Čeha i Poljaka protive razmeštanju američkog sistema na njihovoj teritoriji, ali da vlade češkog premijera Mireka Topolaneka i poljskog predsednika Leha Kačinjskog ne obraćaju puno pažnje na to.
Češki premijer Topolanek je svega nekoliko sati pošto je dobio poverenje u parlamentu na stolu imao zahtev SAD na koji je pozitivno odgovoreno.
„Uvereni smo da je moguće razmeštanje radarske stanice na našoj teritoriji u interesu Češke. Raketni štit će povećati bezbednost Češke i Evrope“, rekao je Topolanek.
Na teritoriji Češke i Poljske sagradiće se i dve baze sa po 500 vojnika, nad kojima će suverenitet imati SAD.
Predviđeno je da raketni sistem SAD u Poljskoj i Češkoj bude završen do 2011.
A. Petrović
Kako je Buš prekršio sporazum
Tokom prošle godine SAD su u nekoliko navrata testirale raketni štit koji je već postavljen u Kaliforniji i na Aljasci. U sistem koji je opremljen najsavremenijim radarom i projektilima koji još u orbiti uništavaju interbalističke projektile Pentagon godišnje ulaže deset milijardi dolara. Tokom ere hladnog rata, SAD i Rusija su potpisale sporazum o zaustavljanju razvoja projektila velikog dometa. Međutim, predsednik SAD Džordž Buš je jednostrano raskinuo sporazum 2002. godine, navodeći da je Amerika prinuđena na takav potez kako bi se odbranila od sve veće pretnje terorističkih režima.
Rusija se oprema avionima
Rusija i Indija će „u bliskoj budućnosti“ potpisati dokument o zajedničkom razvoju pete generacije borbenih aviona, izjavio je juče general-pukovnik Anatolij Mazurkijevič, zadužen za međunarodnu vojnu saradnju. Očekuje se da će ruski lovac pete garancije prvi let obaviti 2009. godine. Biće u stanju da obavlja taktičke i strateške misije i da leti na najdužim pravcima supersoničnim brzinama, sa više mogućnosti punjenja goriva u vazduhu.
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Poslao: 23 Jan 2007 03:27
- Boban88

- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 18 Okt 2004
- Poruke: 446
- Gde živiš: Pozarevac
Najace je to , sto ako ameri ostanu bez njihovih sistema mogu da p u s h 3 rusima ... Mada rusi ne zive u harmoniji kao ameri , ipak imaju extra dobru vojsku...
Poslao: 23 Jan 2007 09:01
- mean_machine
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
- Poruke: 12609
Uvek Poljaci stradaju . Ranije je SSSR imao svoje AB stit u Poljskoj a u scenarijima rata Poljska bi prva naj*****. Sada isto samo drugi gospodar .
Cobani, budale.
Dakle Cesi i Poljaci nemaju svoje JA. Toliko su kukali sto su u vazalskom odnosu prema SSSR a sada su u vazalskom odnosu prema USA.
Pa EU ima skoro 500mil. stanovnika valjda je krajnje vreme da sutnu Amere sa svoje teritorije.
Poslao: 09 Feb 2007 23:48
- deki1
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 30 Avg 2006
- Poruke: 14
šta mislite ako bi došlo dosukoba amera i rusa (ne daj bože)da li bi ameri
usput bacili koju atomku na Srbiju ili bar na Beograd.(pod atomkom mislim
na taktičku bojevu glavu.meni to izgleda malo verovatno jer bi elektromagnetni puls zbog eksplozije onesposobio njihove baze u Tuzli i bondstil kod uroševca. a možda ne bi imali kad da se bakću sa nama jer bi bili preokupirani Rusijom,Kinom,Indijom,Iranom,Severnom Korejom.možda bi u najgorem slučaju bacili operativno-taktičku na aerodrom u Batajnici i još jednu na aerodrom u Nišu.(možda u najgorem slučaju 20kt tako da bi centar
beograda bio pošteđen.)još nešto da pitam jel atomka od 20kt ruši kuće bez
armirano-betonske konstrukcije u krugu poluprečnika od 1500m,a poluprečnik totalnog uništenja gde ne ostaju ruševine je 400m?a od 400 do 600 m zgrade sa armirano-betonskom konstrukcijom su sklone rušenju?a vojna jedinica ako se nađe na 1200m od epicentra eksplozije a van je zaklona ima 50%mrtvih?